I don't know W*arms it could make a good funny section, christian could tell us how to play the game christian style. I for one would love to know how to lose your alliance to your enemy, stab your allies in the back and then lose most of your cities to the same allies all in one move. If we were playing go for broke christian would be a legend.
Yeah, well we''re not playing that so a interview with christian would be pointles..
I do believe, that he put a lot of effort into achieving that!
If there was an ingame award for failing as a player and leader, Christian would be getting it first!
Ah but you had the advantage of been part of the losing collision of the world war, so the leaders over there would talk to you (as they were your friends) and of course the leaders on the winning side were only to happy to tell you about how we were winning.
However the leaders on your side weren't so forthcoming when ash tried to get answers from them, most of them just blanked his messages or gave him the run around. Its a little hard for him to put issue 4 together when nobody would reply to his questions.
Still though I hope you do get a chance to put a new issue together as they always made fun reading.
I am currently trying to work on one, but I need creative minds to help come up with questions. If anyone is interested in working with me on this, Please PM me ingame. I hope we can get a representative from each alliance so that we can compile and consolidate all interest from everyone in Omicron. This is OUR world and lets try to put our minds together.
(Put personal vendettas aside and lets create the next great Omicron Times.)
I'll do it, now I can't play I have lots of free time.
I'll start by sending Zoddgod, Murtius and BloodRed a list with questions.
I hope you guys will answer hahah
Sab, me and you work together on this one perhaps?
No I'm not, but I'll just make a new account called OmicronTimesRedaction.
It will be just for this, untill I get back ingame. No buildings and troops will be build/trained.
murty, as the self-procliamed mod for omicron, I am giving you a warning for flaming. Next time I will have to give you an infraction. LOL, hows that for a mod aye?