Open Challenge to Imperium


This world has been quite dull with the exception of quite a few moments of uncertainty.

I really over estimated the Imperium alliances. I recall the very early discussions on Mayhem, and we thought that we would have to concede ocean 55. I was located there and was told to bunker those cities. At the end, it was for nothing as they never mounted a serious attack.

I have an isolated city right in the middle of Imperium territory. It is called "Imperium is nooobish".
I have been attacking cities around and literally no response.

I openly challenge you to try to take that city "Imperium is nooobish". At least try to restore your pathetic self respect and pride...


This world has been quite dull with the exception of quite a few moments of uncertainty.

I really over estimated the Thermopylae alliance. I recall the very early discussions on Mayhem, and we thought that we would have to concede ocean 45. I was located there and was told to bunker those cities. At the end, it was for nothing as they never mounted a serious attack.

I have an isolated city right in the middle of Thermopylae territory. It is called "unordered multiset".
I have been attacking cities around and literally no response.

I openly challenge you to try to take that city "unordered multiset". At least try to restore your pathetic self respect and pride...


It is not even a close comparison. The Imperium Alliance has quickly become a footnote in the history of this world. Many of my cities in ocean 55 were surrounded by 'red' cities and now are surrounded by blue cities. They were crushed and pushed out of North 55 with little resistance. Ocean 45 was almost all red and now blue has invaded it. A slow but steady elimination of targets is taking place on 45 and 55. It got so boring that now a front will be open in the northern oceans. Perhaps Repo will be a more decent opponent.
The truth sometimes hurts, but Imperium players have been forced to retreat or run into vacation mode.

"Imperium is nooobish" is deep in enemy territory and not a single meaningful attack.