Deliberation Opt out of peacetime


Players should have the choice to opt out of peacetime if they choose.

Not everyone enjoys peacetime. Some people have extended time off for the holidays and they might want to play games during this time.

Servers enact peacetime server wide as normal. However if you go to the settings menu you could have the option to opt out. That way you can still attack and defend but with only others that choose to as well.

Visual Aids:

Players that have not opted out of peacetime will have bubbles protecting their cities, like beginners's protection but in a peaceful color like blue.

Players who want the time off can have it, but players that don't can continue to play can do so, with others that chose it.

Abuse Prevention:
  • With players having to opt out of peacetime instead if opting in, your'e automatically set to go into peacetime. By having to do extra steps to come out of it ensures that people are not going to be attacked when they don't want to be. So I don't think there wouldn't be any abuse.
  • Once you have opted out of peacetime you cannot change your mind and go back in, unless you activate VM, and standard VM rules apply.
  • There will be no CS or revolt attacks allowed, or WW interactions.

Give players that want to play during weekend holidays a chance to, with others that want to play.


i sooo agree... some dont have f..... lives and want to grepo hard during breaks.. but we cant why? someone thought it was a good idea to make a freaking peacetime like wtf is this. lets make this a war game already bad enough all the prissy a.. hand holding in the damn game

Bungdit Din

Great idea, every holiday time i get days off but the game designers don't allow me even the option to play. In this day and age when multiple cultures play the game surely its time to give this idea some deep thought.


I agree to complete removal of peacetime but not to this
If only a handful accross the world choose to remove peacetime and they are far from each other the feature is quite useless
If an alliance is being hit hard by another and quickly goes into peacetime the attacking alliance cannot do anything except attack other big predators around, making the attacked aliances form the beggining starting to come out of peacetime and attack again, etc, you get the point

the biggest problem of all. If a certain player is being attacked/sees a CS coming to him/has a feeling he is going to be OPd, he can go into peacetime, the come out later to attack, go back to peacetime when asleep, etc

Too many problems here

Please dont ban me for saying all of this Magick


notmad, i think magick is saying that once you opt out you are out so no hopping around

if this idea gets instituted then i believe you need to start having peace times that more fairly represent the religions of those on the server
EN represents a variety of ppls and if opting back in being is available this allows players to participate on their terms... eastern orthodox vs. christian christmas (bet those who are jewish, muslim, buddist, jain, hindu, etc. don't care about either) just for example
yes i know you can't cover everything but start small or, as notmad says, remove them all


Maybe it should be edited to say that you can't hop back in after you declined or maybe even no CS attacks. But having forcing entire servers into peacetime when not everyone wants it, just seems silly to me. So let those who want it have it and it goes on as planned but allow those who don't have a bit of fun while they have time off. That's all I'm saying.


I like this idea...

However, how about people get allocated extra VM and have to opt in instead of out?

I'm not opposed to the idea of holiday peace times in general, however to take Christmas as an example, not all countries that celebrate Christmas do so on December 25th. Allocating the relevant time as VM days and allowing the player a bit more flexibility with when they take time off seems a lot more suitable than assuming everyone wants to not play on December 25th/January 1st or whatever


I'm not opposed to the idea of holiday peace times in general, however to take Christmas as an example, not all countries that celebrate Christmas do so on December 25th. Allocating the relevant time as VM days and allowing the player a bit more flexibility with when they take time off seems a lot more suitable than assuming everyone wants to not play on December 25th/January 1st or whatever

alex, this was my point about the two christmases, altho i may not have been clear
if inno sets both peacetimes and you opt back into the playing the one you don't celebrate (or both if you aren't religious), then it is more fair for everyone
i doubt inno would allocate more vm as this would take away from their profit... bottom line rules all

btw, so happy to see you :)


Banging idea Maggy, so many say it but now you're asking it.


Really good idea. Really well thought out. Always have holidays during these times


I do like this idea, but conquests and building of wonders should not be allowed. Anything that majorly changes the game for players should be prohibited.
Definitely agree re: wonders. I don't think it would be good for players to opt out of peace time because of wonder building. However if players want to have the option of conquering (or being conquered) with like-minded individuals during holidays, I don't see the harm.


The other thing with peacetime is it doesn't take into account at the moment the lead and trail times and differences in time zone... a person in Fiji has their holidays start a full day before the person in Hawaii... if this was all taken into account with peacetime and an opt out system was adopted that lets you not be part of peacetime, I would be very much in favour of this.

World end and events that affect all should be exempt from this, so you can still attack ghost and other opted players, you should be able to colonise or conquest players who have opted and ghosts but no others...


This idea is eligible for a re-vote. Please continue discussion.


But, as fig said, NO conquests should be allowed, no building of wonders, nothing major. Just fighting



I really like this idea but would like to suggest one improvement (not sure if this is already in the idea, but if so it's not clear), people who are in peacetime should not be able to make any offensive action on those who have opted out, as otherwise this opens clear abuses. Also, as mentioned before, once opted in or out, this decision should not be able to be changed.


As far as I left it, it's pretty simple. A player would have to physically opt out of peacetime, it wouldn't be an automatic choice. No Cq's or revolts would be allowed, nor the building of wonders. But yes, if you opted out of the peacetime, you wouldn't be able to choose to go hide in once you got tired of your alarm going off.


Christmas and New Year would have to both have the opt out choice. I think New Year is celebrated by many more players regardless of religion.

Speaking of New Year I would like to see the New Year Peace extended by a few hours ( maybe to 23.00 like Boxing Day ) Many players on the west side of the world have hardly gone to bed when peace time ends-