Pantheon Legion Recruiting


We are a growing guild that works hard and is active daily. We recently merged to form the new alliance: Pantheon Conquest. Collectively, Pantheon Conquest has 66,000 points, but we are looking to at least double that. We give aid to our allies when called and crush our enemies when they stand in our way. Currently the bulk of our force resides in ocean 31, but we will also except those from 21.

We are also looking for smaller alliances who wish to merge with us. For those who are iffy on a merger and might not want to give up any power, It is our rule to leave several things untouched.
1. We let you keep your rank
2. We let you keep your status in the alliance
3. For the founders, you remain as such and keep full control of your alliance members.

Think of it as a simple expansion, where the only debate is on the name.
You must:
  1. Be active daily
  2. Not harm those we have pacts with
  3. Constantly seek to advance yourself
  4. Give aid when called upon

Our ultimate goal is to have fun while smashing some face. If your interested contact me DemonicTrust and I'll review your application
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Good...actually looks like an alliance worth joining, if it wasn't too late into this world. I suggest you wait for another world to come out, as Innogames is churning new worlds every 2 weeks like a factory.


Yea well its a new ocean and won't be able to get into the top 12 though..


We'll see about that

I wouldn't bet on u going there...considering all the allinaces in the top 12 have been here for a long, long time...except S-G Elites(and they had the support of an alliance that was in top 12 for a long time) and Chaotic Eaters(same this time too) But hey, don't let me discourage you, ya never know;)


It is not impossible but just an uphill battle keep being optimistic I enjoy seeing new blood.