Passed Pass all data from report to simulator

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Proposal: Pass all relevant data to the simulator when clicking the "Simulator" icon in a spy report. In particular, mythical units, researches and morale

Reason: Often, when you get a spy report, you want to try the simulator to see whether it's worth to attack, and what's the best army. The "Simulator" button is very handy, and it passes most information from the report, as units and wall. Also, the presence of your own premium features is recognized and updated. But some data is still missing. Morale is missing. It's easy to find it out, either by clicking on the icon and writing the other player's name or by trying a dummy attack. Mythical units, if present in the city, are also missing, you have to choose the proper defending god and add them. Your own god is also not automatically selected. Researches (phalanx and battering ram) have to be manually added too. They are city-specific, but the current city when clicking the "Simulator" button could be used.

Details: The morale field should be auto-filled, that's the easier part. The own god and researches should be completed based on the current city when the button is clicked. The god of the defending city should only be selected if there are mythical units in the report.

Visual Aids: None different than curently.

Balance/Abuse Prevention: It would make it easier to test attacks in the simulator. Is that abuse? I don't think so.


Indeed, it would save a few seconds per simulation if there was no need to fill in the blanks yourself. Not an essential addition to the game, but it would certainly make things easier.


i was just complaining about this to an alliance mate of mine :D he gave me a report and i had to manually plug in all the info . . . then i accidentally clicked something and it changed city and reset the simulator -______- i was not a happy camper lol

so im saying . . . *kool-aid voice* . . . ohhh yeaahh :D

moved to improvements

please continue to collaborate on this idea :)


A great idea, although certain kinds of bonuses like captain/commander and phalanx/battering ram should not get added to the simulator as a rule with spying from a report... these are generally hidden for a good reason.


Of course, premium and researches should only be added to the attacker (yourself). It can be argued that they shouldn't anyway, because you don't know if the other city has them, so they are only half of the truth. But I never meant the premium and researches of the other city to be added, just yours.


yes definately :) i find this a very tedious thing to do and also putting that button on reports other ppl post so u could transmit information more effiecently :)


this idea has passed and is being sent to the devs :)

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