Pnp Paying Attention?


My group has jumped up pretty quickly. Experience> Mass Recruiting. Quality>Quantity learn from the model server and reproduce it. Good luck :)


Didn't you just take the members from wreckless ? ( might be wrong ) .


I'm still a n00b but I totally agree with the idea of quality over quantity. You do belong to an impressive alliance that has great stats. I'm sure it's fun to be part of with great leadership etc. However, you seem to have quite an elitist tone in your post. Are you Nate Shermantor in-game?

I ask as you have massive population and lots of villages. For a war game you have very little ABP or DBP. Do you run lots of Olympic games or city festivals? That just doesn't seem very elitist to me... Maybe I'm getting my CP the wrong way :p

*Gulp* Here I go into the red.
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I also agree with the quality over quantity recruiting process, and we ourselves use that to an extent. We do however, take in active, new players and show them the ropes. We all had a point in playing this game where we had no idea what was going on, and I like to try to give all available info and help to players that show they want to learn (and are active) in our alliance. We have had some great success stories so far :)

But don't get me wrong, experienced, quality players are great to have join an alliance


It is very hard to find lots of BP in my area...We own an awful lot of the cities in my oceans...I do have a ton of troops though if you ever wanted to try it. I am in the top 160 in both attack and defense though no one ever has it in them to attack our clusters but I digress. I will be bp searching today :) no sweat my troops need a work out. :)


Man.... You are higher ranking than me points wise and I am rank 14 fighter wise :( sad times haha