Right, here we go.
First off, apologies again for the lack of activity for the last few weeks. So, what's happened since the last update?
First off, apologies again for the lack of activity for the last few weeks. So, what's happened since the last update?
- Not much progress has been made with regards to inequalities:
- It took a week just to get permission for posting any details about the response the LCM (Lead Community Manager) gave on September 17th (a response which took at least 2 weeks to turn up in the first place).
- In the response, we were told the following:
- The CMs do not know what is happening on all the other servers, and the Lead CM doesn't have the time to go and check on all of them. So action will only occur when we chase them about differences. (This was already fairly obvious due to the discrepancies in the actual rules on different servers, but this has removed any hope/possibility of it just being something missed: Inno has clearly stated that the different markets just don't communicate unless forced to.)
- The differences in rules/etc were explained as being due to the evolution of different servers in terms of behaviour by players (whether players abuse particular aspects of the rules/etc, leading to changes for specific markets).
- The same explanation was used for the difference in community-driven projects (be they by staff or players), such as the fact that DE got to design a hero that was guaranteed to be put into the game. (It should be noted that we've received no further information as to whether they will balance this out by giving similar opportunities to other markets.)
- Instant fixes aren't an option, but they will work step-by-step on improving issues. (Despite the fact that fixing differences like the Do Not Suggest list were very quick once we pushed properly in the EN market directly.)
- They wanted to improve communication with players (I will come onto their idea for this later).
- The LCM stated that it was within the regulations to use servers like NL as guinea pigs (I'm paraphrasing - I can provide the LCM's full explanation to people individually if they wish), because of the rules that everyone agreed to when they joined the game.
- A later response had an interesting part: they attempted to tell us that we can't give our opinions on their actions/responses unless we post all the information they've given us. This was a little controversial, given that the NDA mentions nothing about not being allowed to express our opinions about their responses (even if they don't give us permission to discuss the content of the responses), and there has been a history of delayed responses about whether we have permission to post their responses.
- Another response in this thread included this little gem: "One exception are topics of game rules, punishments and the way teams are working, as I already explicitly mentioned in a few spots - those are not the topics, which we should be spending time on. Let me worry about it and let's focus here on improving the game features." So yes, as I've told people before, we cannot discuss rules/etc with the staff. However, I feel I ought to say that I (and several other members of the council) disagree with the claim that the council shouldn't spend time on moderation/etc because it's being handled by the staff.
- Now that my activity has improved a bit, I will be pushing for answers on new inequality issues, such as the prices of packages (the same package on the same server is much more expensive for some players than for others, depending on what country they are from).
- It took a week just to get permission for posting any details about the response the LCM (Lead Community Manager) gave on September 17th (a response which took at least 2 weeks to turn up in the first place).
- We had another post from the staff giving reasons for their regular lack/lateness of response to the questions/issues we raise. They state that they are reading and considering everything we post, and it is due to the number of other tasks that we do not receive quick responses. (The fact that they don't usually reply to threads even to say "we have read this and are discussing it" has been avoided on numerous occasions across different threads.)
- Communication errors with regards to the status of the few test Domination worlds on live markets was addressed.
- We have seen a positive reaction in one case: that of turning on/off award notifications (something which was suggested to improve performance, due to the lag that large numbers of notifications can cause). The lead developer has stated that he will be working on a system to make the following actions have on/off switches for their notifications. We have not been given a timescale for it's design/implementation, but they seemed positive about the idea which is a good sign.
- Awards
- Spy reports
- Combat reports
- Combat support reports
- Returning supports
- Incoming supports
- Supports withdrawing
- Spell cast
- Alert delay has been discussed with the staff (as a possible way of reducing the impact of send-and-recall alarm spam). They would like to find a way of implementing such a system if possible. The first priority is to fix the existing notifications issues, however. They have said that they are working on this, but that the cause seems hard to locate. How they intend to fix these issues hasn't been explained in detail, and we are waiting to be given permission on whether we can share the information we have been told.
- There's ongoing debate about the Community Backlog, and the way in which the ideas on that list are addressed/implemented/etc.
- STOMT was suggested by the LCM as an alternative communications platform for players to talk to the staff team about their ideas/issues/etc. This idea was strongly argued against by the council, for multiple reasons:
- Most players don't want to be using lots of platforms (it's hard enough to get Skype people onto Discord and vice versa), so adding another platform isn't going to be popular.
- STOMT has serious disadvantages: it consists of players posting on a "wall" with simple comments, which the staff would then read. There is no way for players to communicate with each other on the platform, meaning that it would be worse as a discussion platform than the forums are (and STOMT was suggested as an alternative to Discord channels, when Discord was chosen because it allowed better discussion than the forums).