Player NameRenaming


I have countless grepo player names I wish I had used but with each e-mail address we are allowed only 1 player name. Since most of us do not own endless amounts of email addresses, I'd suggest a new option for players:
Player Name Change.

Imagine this working like this: when about to start playing on a new world, an option would appear called: Change Player Name. It would be up to the player if he/she decides to use that option by clicking on it and punching in a New Player Name.

The system would keep track of the player's active worlds/servers, no matter the player name, but based on the Email Address.

That way we could use those Player Names we wish we did, without having to create a new email account first.

New Player names would of course have to be brand New to the Database and never used before by any player in the game.

Also, it would be cool if previously used player names became freshly available for any Active player, if that name hasn't been used in the game At All (player has never played the game for a specific period of time) - say for 3 or 5 years straight.


If you have a Gmail email account you can have multiple usernames going to one email inbox by using fullstops.

You could use (for example)


etc they are all new email addresses as far as Grepo is concerned but they all go to the same email inbox as Gmail removes the . on them hitting the Inbox. If you need to figure out the . email address used from your Google inbox you just search the username you're looking for and the emails from it pop up with which variant of the email address you've used.