PnP NmE vs the world


I thought we could get an account of the war in Zeta just to keep everyone informed. all thoughts comments and stats would be welcome.

How it started (from my point of view):
In the beginning there was nothing, and God said, let there be alliances, and there were alliances.
4 of these alliances were very distinguised. In ocean 55 3 alliances joined forces, they were Pros Theon, -The secret-, and revolt.
They enjoyed a short period of friendship in which they knocked TamThamVien out of the world and bashed GHOST RIDERS a bit for fun.

However then revolt looked over to ocean 45 and saw before them the empire of NoE. Seeing this threat, they quickly swapped allegiances to these strangers leaving -The Secret- and Pros Theon to fend for themselves.
In order to save their skins from these elite alliances Pros Theon and -The Secret- joined forces to make one alliance to rule them all.

Seeing their former allies so strong, revolt had a shaky time. Some of them wanted to switch back to their original friends, but some wished to stay alligned with NoE.

The once mighty alliance of revolt split down the middle, and some joined one side, and some the other.

Now that the 2 sides were formed, they waited... glaring at each other across the border, until one day all hell broke loose and so began the war.
Here ends the first lesson.

Is this the correct start of these events? I did see them through slightly biased eyes...

have fun


Ooh...when's the next lesson? I want to hear more. Who struck first? Who got the first city?


As far as im aware, NmE was never allied with revolt... in fact they became their target after NmE had dealt with ghost riders and -=ADV=- in O45.

Could be wrong though - seeing as im looking through biased eyes too.


Well to us it looked like revolt were allied with NE. This is when Hads took over, told Revolt they had to be uber elite, and double their Bp every day or something, with the threat of expulsion if they didnt.

Even so if the two weren't allied alot of their members still ended up in NoE soon afterwards.


True, alot jumped ship to NmE afterwards. but it was because they we're hitting alot of their players hard...

But again, Im pretty sure there was never an alliance between the 2. In fact I believe that the idea of the 300 Bp a day rule (I think it was that) Was to get more of their players to retaliate against NmE.

Although, I'd love to hear another opinion from the 2 sides...


If memory serves, as I had a front row seat to most of the negotiations...

Katanga and Rynoc were working closely and struck first conquering Vincitore's city of Core, which Rynoc still owns. After this, many skirmishes ensued and this created a war between Nighmares of Elysium and Pros Theon, revolt, and - The Secret -, we felt all three alliances were being led to water by the same horse.

After the disappearing act by Katanga, I reached out to the new leader of revolt, Hads. Also, the leader of Secret, Venum. And leader of Pros Theon, Rynoc, to see where things stood. NmE was sitting in 45 all alone, with the exception of -=ADV=- (who fell apart after a counterop by nme on them was successful), so they turned their focus on 55. Lordkorok being heavily involved in the social aspect of the game, introduced myself to Hads, joe1984 and a few other revolt players. We chatted for a while, they discussed their options and ultimately joined NmE right at the end of revolt's period.

After this, Katanga made a reappearing act and asked the secret to merge, to which I believe the answer was no. Katange renamed revolt to the secret 2 and this was if im not mistaken, never agreed upon by The Secret's leaders.

Chaos ensued with the old revolt, and Pros Theon decided to join The Secret, despite several attempts by NmE of recruitment.

The war still continues today, the battlefield being mostly in Ocean 55, and as the tables continue to unfold, Elvis alliance has contacted several of NmE's foes to combine forces into a coalition.

What shall turn out of this newly formed coalition? Stay tuned we shall see.


NOE Pls kick dark templars butt


Ooooh fun

So where does New Byzatine Empire/ Molon Labe / Praetorian Guards Fit into this


i would agree with nearly everything that jjalsmelton said, except that Pros Theon joined -the secret- as soon as it looke like revolt may switch allegiance to NoE (basically as soon as hads took over)