PnP: The Scariest Day of My Life


The following is based on true events. No animals were hurt in the making of this feature.

It was a Saturday evening.. yes, I remember it clearly now. All was tranquil in my cities. The usual routine was happening, women tending to the children, men harvesting the grain and the troops pillaging for any supplies they could come by. The cool August breeze was whispering to the olive trees in the pasture.

I looked up over the horizon, it was then that I saw the black smoke billowing from the towers. They were coming, again. I ran to the balcony in my villa. The tiles on the balcony were warmed from the kiss of the sun. I took a deep breath and held my looking scope to my eye. There they were, the enemies.

Thousands of ships were approaching my empire. I called up the militias and sent a messenger to my allies. As soon as word reached my friends that I was under attack they jumped into action! Thousands upon thousands of swordsman, archers and hoplites were sent to my defense. The ships raced across the seas to reach my towns in time.

The defenders bravely fought to protect the cities, no city was less important than the other. All were to be held. All were to be victorious.
Crash! The enemies transports sailed onto the white sandy beach, the troops disembarked. From a distance I could hear the battle yells, the clash of steel and the cries of the wounded. It was then that I knew this was going to be an assault to go down in the record books.

The battles were long and bravely fought on both sides. When the dust had settled there was only one victor. The undisputed winner was me, Deadly Truth. The attacks had earned me nearly 200,000 defense battle points. I could feel the air pass by me as I soared to first place in defense bps.

The mighty Eviction Notice had once again saved my rear end, let it be known. Without them I would be rimmed, more than once.

The beauties that follow are a few examples of the ferocity of the enemy.


Trolls welcome.
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My mighty support of one Birm saved those towns from sure rape and pillage.. you can send it home now DT


wow...who attacks without any navy?? those troops never reached the shores...I will I can get such attacks


wow! what fabulous luck! With enemies like that, who needs friends?


i wish i had magnificent battles like this to boast about


There are a few people in Zeta that attack like that, Gargarenthis, Rigersi, and some dude named Raiders was notorious for it ;)


(>'_')># I was gonna give you this waffle out of pity. #<('_'<) But then I was like (>'#'<) (>'-'<) So I ate it. (>^-^<)


well all i can say is WoW we still have members that attack with no Escort
your lucky day then DT.
make the most of it not finished we you by a long shot and if the offers still open me and u 1 v1 i'll kick ye scrawny hide oot rho in a week.
but then again you have been known to lie (ALOT) SO YOU PROBABLY WOULD GET YOUR ALLY TO BAIL YOU OUT. :p

"The mighty Eviction Notice had once again saved my rear end, let it be known. Without them I would be rimmed, more than once."
Just as well someone likes you the then eh.
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I thought it was Mr Len posting until i looked at your name :p Easy bp ;)


I love it when noobs do that. Has happened on Theta, one attack had 64 catapults in it.


Crap, I lied then. Quite a few pegs and cerberus were harmed in the making of this feature.

RIP. 9/18 - 9/20. We will never forget.
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make the most of it not finished we you by a long shot

That crappy onslaught resulted in no gains whatsoever for you guys, I think it's fair to say you haven't even *started*, let alone finished.

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awe you boys getting all wound up over in Blissville.
your leaders all gob no show. then even has the balls to publish a private convo onto open net yeah that'll get you invited back onto my skype.
you have nothing worth listening to DT you proved your point no man enough to try it alone did all your members tell you dont do it we dont want to lose you lol
bye bye DT. at one point i did kinda begrudingly have an iota of respect for you. now all that has gone. just another wanna be drama queen.