PnP: Wind in the Sails


Me and the other mates were sitting at a bar, enjoying the fine Jamaican rum imported by some wealthy merchants.


A couple of hours later, we decided that we should head back to our ship... an old merchant caravel that we bought just to get us a decent income. We imported things like iron and grog from the mainland to the islands out in the oceans. However upon coming outside we faced a force of Imperial Soldiers, all with weapons drawn.


Slowly we raised our hands as the officer shouted 'You are hereby arrested for smuggling gunpowder out of Imperial Barracks!' he then continued 'This crime is punishable, by death.'

I looked at my friends and they looked at me, just as the officer produced shackles Ignavus charged at the officer and knocked him out cold. We then followed suit and beat down these vicious Imperial officers. Once all of them were lying on the ground we robbed them of their weapons and fled to our Ship, the Windrider. None of us understood what all the smuggling charges were about so we left for the infamous pirate cove of Tortuga.

At Tortuga we were laughed at, saying we could never be pirates. We felt lost in a world of extremes. We decided that we would show them, bought a War Brigatine and set out to prove ourselves.

We are constantly hunted by the Imperial Navy and our world is one of speed and battle.


We roam these seas, waiting to return to Tortuga with a force unstoppable and respected. We are the Black Fleet.


Hope you like it!


Tortuga? I wanna go to tortuga! Show me where it is... pwetty pwease? :p Liked it!


Nice PnP. You are really Pro at making those. +rep from me.


I am dreadfully sorry, i am not trying to put you down in any way, but to be honest, this style of PnP is getting quite old....... just my opinion. Sorry if you take it the wrong way, i mean no offense.


I am dreadfully sorry, i am not trying to put you down in any way, but to be honest, this style of PnP is getting quite old....... just my opinion. Sorry if you take it the wrong way, i mean no offense.
I feel the same way...


i liked it. if you run into the 65th ocean fleet kill for me would ya (my dad confiscated my ship after i shot my cannons at our crazy neighbors) so i cant do it myself


Dude.... you NEVER fire your cannons at the neighbors... that's just too close for comfort.

sometimes you just gotta hang up the munitions.... grapple and then board your neighbor's house... usually through the kitchen windows.


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