Poor old taurus


Seems Alliance of Taurus were pushed to the wall
one by one we would see them fall
Pertika said he had seen enough
his poor alliance, it had been to rough

Fighting Grimm and Musketeers
had brought their alliance to dreadful tears
it never recovered from what starfish had done
when he disbanded their alliance just for fun

Now with the their top guys in hiding
we sit back and watch their points sliding
So when their top players come back from VM
they will see that Musketeers and Co., had stuck it to them....


No Musketeers or grimm Sleepers were hurt in the war with Alliance of Taurus....
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Seems the Valkyries are swooping into O55 snapping up a lot of cities. Expanding your borders? Dont make me write a poems about The Valks....



Seems what was left has joined AC... They leave one sinking ship for another


lol, leave a sinking ship?

We actually just agreed in a merge, we were already talking about it for weeks. lol

And, crushed by Grimms and Musk? Don't make me laugh...Of course we are...Grimms are musk are just some huge alliances that don't dare to fight the bigger ones so they pick LITTLE alliances. And they they talk on te forums "look, we defeated them!!" lol..You guys make me cry.

Pick an alliance of your own size, and prove what your worth. Maybe fight each other? oh, no..wait, you don't dare because you can't defeat each other.
Wait, look, you're going for an other SMALL alliance. Common guys..You really talking like that? Big against small. What would the result be? lol

And don't forget, thanks to members of ex-TT who joined Musk, musk is still alive at my opinion. At least TT were honourable fighters, tat took people of their own size.


Don't forget that just a week ago The Valkyries swooped in and showed Aot whats up.

You've got to be kidding me..You took like what? 2 citys from us? after 2 weeks attacks? lol..Then i've even more respect for Musk and grimms. lol

And then they say, "we swooped in and showed Aot whats up", I hope you're kidding my friend. Because I think no-one will believe you.
The real victory is over Grimms,( if we can call it a victory)


to prove my point, posted in an other thread:

Musketeer targets:

Knights of Chaos
Soldiers of the Sun
Soldiers of Poseidon
Knights of Order
Alliance of Taurus
ELi73 (if they all don't run to WATG)
The Survivors
The Pantheon
The Pantheon Continium
any other alliance in oceans 33/43/44/45/53/54/55 who we are not pacted with
coming to an ocean near you

Tell me, what alliance is big enough so a REAL fight can be done? huh? And not just some attacks of big players( meaning 150,000 poitns or more) that attack a guy of 30 k points..lol


Haha no what happened was AoT finally built up the courage to attack us and they failed. So we retaliated and took a few of their cities without a sweat . Taking those cities was quite a bore so instead we started plowing through AC straight on to your Core . Then the pressure built up on you too much being attacked from the North , East and West and now you think you can find refuge in AC. But let me warn you no matter what flag you hide under whether it be AC or AoT you wont be safe from any of us.


Taking those cities was quite a bore

Then why are you guys coming here on the forum telling: we won of AOT? If it was such a bore, then you know it was a weak victory, and nothing to show off about. lol, what you are saying contradictive.


And I'm saying the same about them. But apparently they are so smart not to come here and talk about their "awesome victory" over an alliance that has 8 MILLION less points. However i'm sure they read it.


Basil why you dont write a poesy for a coward diplomat of a died alliance called TT who betrayed all his allies and gone with the strongest alliance and start to fight against his friends and allies? Why dont write about your shame 170 more players all lossers grimms and musketers and ex TT who gone lke angry dogs versus the little AOT all the time and we survived with honour? Why dont write about this... pffffffffff you really suck losser


words like that is what got you into the mess in the first place.....surprised you haven't learned by now you fool.


What words earned us this mess SaintedStarr? None. Just a lust for war and to conquer. But what challenge is it really? It's no large victory to be taking cities from alliances this far down the chain. The only real challenge left for the Musketeers is to go to war with the Grimm Sleepers. Apparently they make better bed partners than enemies?


LOL you make laugh.

For one not all of musk even attacked you.
For two the bore comment is it was to easy to take cities from players who only support certain players within there alliance. (know you facts)
For 3 add all the sub divison of half the list you copied and pasted and they are bigger then you.
For 4 going back to 3 they are fighting my crew and really maybe 5-6 players and still losing.
for 5 we will say you cant fight and are all defense like cowards without honor (fact)

should i keep going or let you rant some more


LOL you make laugh.

For one not all of musk even attacked you.
For two the bore comment is it was to easy to take cities from players who only support certain players within there alliance. (know you facts)
For 3 add all the sub divison of half the list you copied and pasted and they are bigger then you.
For 4 going back to 3 they are fighting my crew and really maybe 5-6 players and still losing.
for 5 we will say you cant fight and are all defense like cowards without honor (fact)

should i keep going or let you rant some more

Hey, this guy can count..Imagine that..I wonder how difficult that was.

Anyway, Musketeers has currently 16,178,385 points. Fighting alliances of 2,000,000 and MAX 3,000,000 points.
And if you are that good at counting, tell me the difference between the two. ;)

Yes, how weak can you be, to attack someone that has even more then 10 MILLION less points (13,178,387 points to be exact if i take 3,000,000. LOL)? WHAT A BRAVE VICTORY!!!
I know why no Musk is here right now except for you Bangbros. They KNOW you can't kill it a victory.
To make an example, it's like a US marine fighting a 90 years old lady.
Get the difference? So now you make US laugh and make your alliance look for fool.
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Well, apparently I proved my point?
Hope you aren't mad at me now? lol

I understand you are in shame now tho...:)


Bravo you got the points this lossers know only to say bla bla bla... with their awesome victory muhahahaah victory was for AOT that survived allone in frontline and all the time in warr with all for all this months, and when you bets on when AOT go down our alliance only grow and arrived to conquer 5 grimms citys and from the shame you kicked out the players who lost the citys this are the magnific grimms and musketers, pure lossers. TT was warriors but you are laddies, prove to go in a real war and after this come here to proclame your glory


What some of you fail to realise is that the war on AoT was only fought by members of the O55 team of Musketeers/GS. that amounted to around 20 active players taking on AoT. It wasnt that we attacked you and fought hard and beat you down on numbers. It was the commitment of a few good players who did all the work. You never even attacked a Musketeer city the whole time.

You rarely defended your own players and when they were attacked they ran into VM. If you organised a decent defence, had a strategy of attack, then I would have more respect for your alliance, however, with what I have said, all I can see of AoT was a bunch of farms, waiting for their new owners to arrive.

Stop crying about how the mighty Musketeers/GS took you out. It was a smaller number of players in ocean 55 than your entire alliance put together who brought you down.



Well, apparently I proved my point?
Hope you aren't mad at me now? lol

I understand you are in shame now tho...:)

Yeah, I don't think so, but if it makes you feel better, keep telling yourself that.

Tally the point totals of those involved in the war against those they warred against and your math becomes irrelevant. Muskies/GS are spread thick like peanut butter all across the core oceans. Do you understand geography? Didn't think so.

Petrika, have you ever heard of 'ad hominem'? That's when you don't have anything to say, so you attack the speaker : "lossers", "laddies", etc. I can only assume you meant "losers" and "ladies". You see that squiggly line under every other word you post? It's telling you to try spelling correctly. You don't even need a dictionary - it does it for you! I mean, if you're going to insult me, don't make me work to understand it.

Next, I'm not sure what part of multi-accounting and sending death threats to other members is fighting with honour. Would you care to explain that? Also, is colonizing cities to kill morale after your mains get taken honourable? I guess I don't quite understand that either. The bottom line is that you are terrible at grepo and attempt to cover that with insults and cowardly tactics. Anybody who's seen your failure across the countless worlds you've entered knows the real story, bud.
