Predictions with 2.0


Just want to get from all you frorum dwellers what you think we can expect with 2.0 rolling in sometime this coming month?

New Wars?

New pacts?

Change of Strategy?

The folding or rebirth of Iota?

I know many have put their thoughts in other threads here and there this one is to consolidate and see if weget a fresh start/take on what is to come.... well really opinions on what that will be.


New wars - Not any full out wars but I think some fighting will be inevitable. Many alliances need to put their resources towards building the wonders so troops will become a second priority. Thats unfortunate though because I think this is going to turn from a war game to a turtle game.

New pacts - For sure, a lot of strategy in the new system will revolve around pacts. I am curious to see who will wage war and who will pact.

Change of Strategy - For sure, colonizing will probably become a major part of the game due to the fact you need to control islands for wonders. Due to the 2.0 I think it will become a defensive game over a offensive game because people need to defend their cities on that controlled island.

Rebirth of Iota - The way I see it, it might be Iota's necessary spark, but it may also kill Iota due to the vast amount of people dropping because of the change.

Anyone else have an opinion?


The biggest difference we will see, i think is the demise of turtles. With shared defensive battle points everybody will earn more DPB's (except those who have only grown to the size they are off the backs of other alliance members troops)

I think it is the change in particular that may well save Iota. Every player will be able to prosper, and hopefully therefore become more proficient at both attacking and the teamwork side of defending. Which i think we can all agree is only for the better.

As more and more players adjust to this and become more open, and more hostile we can all expect the thrills to keep coming.

Or at least thats what i think / hope is going to happen