

I've decided to begin using premium. I'm wondering , since I've only used it around 2 years ago on a different account. I also only used 100 coins. anyway, my question is: what are good ways to use premium in the beggining(as I'm in Pella)?


in the begining you dont really need premium i find. Its a bit of a waste using it to cut build times for building or troops at that point imo. also you don't really need any of the advisors at the start as well. You should only start using premium after your 2nd or third cities if you want to be conservative with it or start using captian/commander when you go for your first conquest. Thats just how i use premium though.


(ur sig is too big ^^)

as metalcore pointed out it is a waste to cut building times and troop times . . . i usually start off with admin and merch, more resources and more building space . . . then after i get temple i use priestess . . . captain if u dont feel like clicking 5 min for every farm (but its not a necessity) . . . and commander never

but it all depends on ur style
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I usually keep them all running from the start..

But I like wasting gold, so that probably isn't useful advice..


(ur sig is too big ^^)

as chrss pointed out it is a waste to cut building times and troop times . . . i usually start off with admin and merch, more resources and more building space . . . then after i get temple i use priestess . . . captain if u dont feel like clicking 5 min for every farm (but its not a necessity) . . . and commander never

but it all depends on ur style

Umm...I haven't said anything until now in this thread, you mean as metalcore pointed out.

I think you need your eyes checked :p


As a note, merch will be more and more useful on higher speed worlds as you will be getting a better return on it. eg merch will give you more resources on a speed three than a speed one. Same goes for hp but you should not even consider hp untill you have a minimum of 20 cities + imo.


ok what about using gold to reduce building times of resources is that a good use of it although i suspect the answer will be only in higher speed worlds.


ok what about using gold to reduce building times of resources is that a good use of it although i suspect the answer will be only in higher speed worlds.

No thats the opposite actually. The slower the world the better use you will get out of cutting build times. Since troops take for ever to build in speed one you can get a good edge over your opponent by cutting your build times to rebuild. Good way to do this is to start of with a city full of resources but no army, use pop growth, put in a large amount of troops atm once eg 70+ horse 20+ cats or 280+ slingers and then cut the build times from there. If you can fill a city up multiple times during one spell you can nearly rebuild a full nuke in a day i would say (maybe faster, haven't tried it myself personally). ON say a speed three, troops already produce three times faster than a speed one so you dont really need to bother with cutting their build times.

Can be worth while using on importaint building levels such as the last couple of levels of your acad or wharehouse especially on speed one servers


ok thanks for that answer always like a good bit of advice :)


It all comes down to if you want to be near the top, If you do every second of being online is crucial along with using all 5 advisers and getting the small increases they all offer.

I find I use more gold early on in the game than later on, as they key early on is getting your second city. Later on in the game only use gold for the 5 advisers, however early on I half build times a lot on key buildings like ie the senate.

In the end it all comes down to how much you want to be near the top, you don't need gold but if you don't use gold you need to be online 20 hours per day to farm, farm and farm.


I find I use more gold early on in the game than later on, as they key early on is getting your second city. Later on in the game only use gold for the 5 advisers, however early on I half build times a lot on key buildings like ie the senate.

Couldn't agree more with that.. early on in a world, everyone is on an equal footing and so there's the mad rush for conquest and to see who can take control right from the start. Later on, though, things calm down a bit.. there's more fighting as people have more cities and more resources, but there isn't as much competition to see who can out-build who..

If you have gold, and want to get ahead, the start is the time to use it. The Merchant is the only extended Premium that will really benefit you at the start, as the +30% resource boost gives a small but significant advantage over non-gold players. Administrator is an optional extra, but useful for the extended construction queue if you don't have enough time to constantly keep buildings added to the queue.

Apart from the extended premium options, speeding up construction is incredibly helpful.. if you're on for a few hours, you want to get a lot done in that time and then max the construction queue with slow buildings while you're offline.. but when a building takes 3 hours or more to complete, that's not good. Speed them up a few times (20-60 gold isn't much but makes a big difference) and you can get a lot done in the time it takes a non-gold player to build one building.