Inactive Topic Proposal - Improved 'cleaning up forums'


Improved 'cleaning up forums'

Add checkboxes behing posts for members that have been given forum rights so they not only have the options to select multiple threads and adjust them simultaneously, but also allow them to adjust multiple posts simultaneously.

You've tried cleaning up a thread that got filled with posts over time? You could delete the entire thread and start a new one, but what about those few valuable posts that you wanted to leave untouched? Guess there is no other way then to scroll through the entire thread reading all those posts and deleting the irrelative ones one by one.
That's right, making the game manageable for your alliance is a full time job and this doesn't make it any easier. But luckily there is a much easier way of solving this: Allow us, just as we select threads, to select posts and delete (maybe move aswell) them.
Pro's are it would save a lot of valuable time, and it would invite more people to use the in-game forum as it would become less of a mess.

Exactly the same as the current 'Forum moderator' rights work for threads. They can select a thread and then click the 'functions' button. They then have various options, one of them being to delete the selected thread. This option should be implemented for posts aswell.

Visual Aids:
This screenshot is taken from the current system, viewing the options the current 'Forum moderators' have regarding the 'functions' of threads:

No inbalance, would be an equal adjustment for all alliances, making it easier on them.

Abuse Prevention:
No idea how this could be exploited.

Will add any constructive comments made here:


it actually will help save server and bandwidth resources if selective post can be deleted at one click instead of deleting a post at a time.

An example:
Objective : delete 50 post in a thread.
1) delete post> ok > request to delete send for processing > refresh browser. Repeat.. multiply by 50 times for 50 post deletion.

1) select the 50 post to delete > ok > request to delete the 50 msg ID for processsing > refresh browser. CPU only processed it once and page is reloaded only once thus saving CPU and network bandwidth.
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By that logic it should, but you really haven't looked into it much before boldly saying that it's saving Inno money.


Yes; just like good cells phones or decent mail boxes allow to clean several messages at once.
Probably only Inno could answer if it would save server costs or not. Personally I think the global impact is very small.
But it would help against some of the boring tasks that make some involved players finally find they don't have enough time for the game, so in the end it should be good for Inno's money.
Definitely yes for me. Ideally the deleted posts would go to a "logs" hidden thread where they would be saved for some time, to prevent mistakes or malicious acts, as was suggested in another idea.


I thought this was suggested before, but I can't find it now :?

Good idea though