Rate the player above


yes give me a rating, please go easy on me since i moved my entire army and family to the rim because fonts told me the rim is a happy place.


Digital Mystikz

Points: 8/10 Top 100 keep growing buddy!
ABP: 8/10 Same as above
DBP: 8/10 Top 50 i see :)
Location: 6/10 I saw a few of your cities spread out in weird and wonderful places so meh :p
Reputation: 9/10 Don't know you but yay for killing the merchants :D
Dread Factor: 8/10 Think i wouldn't be able to CS you, but worth the try :)

Total: 47/60 Dazlerr would get a better score than you :p


Thanks for the rating mate, i'm sure i'll be in the top 20 DBP in not even a month at the rate The Golden Dawn are giving me bp's :)


Diesel Boy/Dred Bass

Points: #69 in the world .... Well that deserves a 9/10 nice landing! ;)
ABP: #119...hmm, time to start attacking some reds DB :) 7/10
DBP: #43 Well done! 9/10
Location: 8/10 Right in the heart of the action with a few cities that look like your drunken sailors got lost :p
Reputation: 8/10 Not the scariest rep, but everybody knows you and you always come to my aid :)
Dread Factor: 7/10

Total: 48/60 Nicely done DB :)


Diesel Boy/Dred Bass

Points: #69 in the world .... Well that deserves a 9/10 nice landing! ;)
ABP: #119...hmm, time to start attacking some reds DB :) 7/10
DBP: #43 Well done! 9/10
Location: 8/10 Right in the heart of the action with a few cities that look like your drunken sailors got lost :p
Reputation: 8/10 Not the scariest rep, but everybody knows you and you always come to my aid :)
Dread Factor: 7/10

Total: 48/60 Nicely done DB :)

Glad you did yours first, this should make you giggle :D

Dawson The nubby nub

Points: 10/10 Have to give 10 out of 10
ABP: 9/10
DBP: 9/10
Location: 8/10
Reputation: 1/10 Don't know you at all :D
Dread Factor: 1/10 I've seen you play, it's hilarious :D

Total: 38/60 But i have to knock off 38 points because you kicked out Pythag :pro:. Score 0/60

Mwoo-ha-ha-ha-ha :D


Dred Bass (mwahahaha)

Points: 8 and a half
ABP- Almost double my cities and less abp than me (tsk tsk) 6/10
DBP- 8/10 Epic DBP actually, you are clearly a team player
Location- 10/10 for the core and your recent city location (enjoy the chariots :D )
Reputation- 9/10 I know you.
Dread Factor- 10/10 I know you can play mate and i know you are very good once you get going

Total- 51.5/60


my little db
ABP: 4/10 i been trying to get him attacking red flags
DBP: 7/10 at least he can do 1 thing right
Location: 10/10 he is close to me and thats good enough
Reputation: 10/10 everyone knows him because he never shuts up
Dread Factor: 0/10 not scared of him because he is in live with me and will do anything i say

Total: 38/60 But i have to take off 38 points for picking on dawson who also loves me. :D


my little db
ABP: 4/10 i been trying to get him attacking red flags
DBP: 7/10 at least he can do 1 thing right
Location: 10/10 he is close to me and thats good enough
Reputation: 10/10 everyone knows him because he never shuts up
Dread Factor: 0/10 not scared of him because he is in live with me and will do anything i say

Total: 38/60 But i have to take off 38 points for picking on dawson who also loves me. :D

I like to annoy the leaders in Hate, because they are all the biggest noobs you could ever meet. Not for Milos though as he's the best :). Red flags, i like starwek & intopain & dnltoader from the merchants they are so cool in some respect. I'm not in love with you, you wish i was woman :p


Black Ker

Points 10/10
ABP 10/10
DBP 10/10
Location 10/10
Reputation 10/10
Dread Factor Really? 1/10 considering im going to rim him with 5 citys
TOTAL 51/60 (really 60/60 to anyone not in HATE)

BTW im back on full time gets some!

BEERS on me




Pnts: 5/10 Dunno what happened but can't give you more atm
ABP: 8/10 top 50 still, after you left. not bad.
DBP: 7/10 top 100 not too bad
Location: 10/10 core <3
Rep: 9/10 definitely heard of you, esp when we were still small you had a good rep.
Dread factor: 4/10 you can't be too scary if you keep giving away beer to everyone :p Also you're just not that big anymore atm (get back to full strength again! :D)

Total: 43/60 will get better once you get back into the game again :)


I would get an insanely low rating if I actually posted.

Can I rate myself?


you can I suppose, but technically you as the player who gave the last rating would be the player to receive the next rating, thus failing to eschew the criticism and abuse you're likely to receive.


The Mad Monarch

Points: 4/10 - could be worse I suppose
ABP: 4/10 - errr....a pacifist, eh?
DBP: 1/10 - aww, you're the kind of person that never get invited to parties, right? Just send some nasty messages to some people
Location: 1/10 - didnt check, but must be very dull there with that shabby kill ranking
Reputation: 3/10 - at least attempting to promote his alliance
Dread Factor: 0/10 - if you attack me, I'm suspecting swords :p

+ 10 for self insight
Total: 23/60

Frodo reached Mount Doom......I'm sure you can improve as well :p
Dont feel bad, you're not alone, I suck too :D

...Let the thrashing commence!


Now nobody rated me :(

Skully the best, better than the rest, should come to Hate as we are the best of mates :D

Points: 9/10 Think you was high?
ABP: n/a
DBP: n/a
Location: 10/10 no need to explain..
Rep: 10/10 We all know you -_-
Dread factor: 0/10 We all know you, that you are no real threat, just for giggles.

29/40, or you can have 29/60? I can't see your abp dbp atm, probably decent abp, not sure on dbp :p


Blog, I don't attack very much, but I take very nice P.O.G cities. Thx for the +10