Remembering the past to plan for the future!



I just want to try and get some conversation going on about things we've encountered be it either ingame or in forums that was the best thing you saw or experienced. It can be about the best war you were in, alliance you took part or lead, trouble/chaos that you started ingame, alliances that you were a double agent or even things from the forum that you've read and had fun with. I want to hear all the stories from each player that reads this! I want to start trying to go to every world and doing something to get more players chatting not about how bad these forums are or anything like that but I want others trying to liven this place up. I want to think back on the best things we've all encountered or experienced that made this game great and sadly...oh so sadly...made us all addicts and the first step for all addicts is admitting it and talking about what caused this great...I mean sad sad affliction.

I've done something like this before back in epsilon and there were some great stories but now I want to hear about from all over instead of just one world.

I still swear up and down epsilon was the best world i've ever been in. Its the first world I actually took seriously, I mean I joined alpha, gamma but the speed wasnt what I was the most fondest of plus not only that it was the players that made world epsilon so great. The forums were ALWAYS going off about something new, the world was always developing into something else and the alliance wars were something pretty crazy. There was one time I lost 15 cities in about 2 days to a group of players. I took my fair share but it was a lot of fun and that was a good war.
Epsilon isnt the only world I had fun in though be it ingame or in forum -

Some fun but fails -

Some heated moments -

Tried my hand at running a newspaper -

Had some pretty good wars also -!

I've also lead some great alliances like Zombies for example -

So think back and share and perhaps we can also throw around some ideas on how best we can get these worlds and forums back in tip top shape.


Calydon was my first world with a good alliance. Also was the world where i finally learnt how to play this game lol.


skully.... you realise you should be playing with me on taras right?


I'm sorry mate, I'm done with this game for real this time. Tried coming back in Rhammus but it's not really the same anymore. The only role I'd fulfill is some kind of skype chat jester :p

J.n.c 1993

To the person who +repped me about Eta and its drama. I completely agree with ya, feel free to message me anyway :)


Epsilon was good for me when I was with RotI. It went downhill when everyone merged for the wonders. Think I ended up with Pathfinders which did not end well.


drb81 absolutely destroying gamma, literally fighting whole alliances single handed before morale was implemented.
Got so far ahead of everyone that when morale was implemented he quit. None of his enemies could take a city off him, but morale ensured he couldn't do anything either.