Remembrance Day tribute


With the comming of Remembrance day, I would like to pay a tribute to the dead that fought in the wars.

I do not know if any of you have families that had fought in a war, I had 1, My grandpa, he lived.

So the tribute is my little story. About a man writting to his family

Mike Jeffery November 07 1917

To my dearest Wife

How are you? I wish I could say I'm fine but I'm not. Things are not so sunny and bright here. The war seemed like nothing more than a dumpster for human life in my view. Everyday I killed, maybe 1 or 3 germans, with the onlything that stood between me and death is some cutted up sandbags and barbwire. The dead lie restless in the constant bombardment of shells and chorine gas.

It seems only lucky and the luckier can escape those shells. I wish I could say the food was better, my breakfeast was some moldy bread and fussy cheese.The food would taste better if you would were diping it in the mud.If a soldier would to complain about these conditions, he would get little relief from extra guard and patrol as punishment.

O my dearest wife, how I miss your face. The faces of men I killed haunts me in my sleep, not that I get much sleep from the constant death from gases. By the way, How's Timmy? Tell him to keep practicing those carve balls if he wants to play in the majors and please remind him, that daddy will be comming home before Christmas.

Love Mike Jeffery

Mike Jeffery was later killed in Action on Nov 08 1917, alone with serveral of his squard mates while trying to save a newcommer.


Interesting. I just wish you would have more attention to grammar and spelling, otherwise I would have repped you.


oh man sorry to jump in but just could not stop reading haven't had a moment like this for years