Remorce is here


Fires reached into the night, clawing at the skies in hatred, wood screamed in agony as fire raced from building to building. Bodies lay strewn throughout the town with the only movement coming from carion birds moving from feast to feast.

Outside a bakers shop a stinkin pile of refuse rots in the late autum heat. The smell permeating the area too vile for even the carion birds to come too close.

The pile twitches and a hand slowly emerges smeared in rotting excrement and dripping with blood and urin. After a while a shoulder appears and then a head. Eyes rove around the area but nothing seems to register. It's as if a light has gone out and only emptyness remains.

The eyes settle on a body of a woman.. her head 3 feet from her body, "Mother" the sound comes raspy and the child moves his head around to find the source not realizing it was his own. Haltingly and with apparent great effort he pulls himself out of the refuse pile and staggers over to his mothers body. Once he gets there he reaches down and picks up her severed head.

"Mother we have to get out of here.. we have to get out of here while we can" he holds his mothers head to his breast and starts to cry.

"Mother he comes.. we have to leave" haltingly he staggers towards the edge of town.. holding his mothers head close crying freely, "he comes.. we must flee.. Remorce comes"

As the child leaves the town he does not go unnoticed, eyes watch him and turn to other eyes.. "leave him" Remorce says, "he can do no harm we have what we came for."

Shadows part and Remorce motions for his Hoplites and other warriors to return to Death Drome to enjoy the resources captured.


*sniff* I am just that dang good why waste good troops :p when Hoplites are enough muhwahahahaha