Republic of Olymous


This is true but it might be safe for everyone. You know, what if our government (let's say) didn't have any secret servicemen or women their at the White House to protect our presidents. Well, our presidents would keep dying from assassionations. Until the Presidential term of our execellent president Ronald Reagan, almost all of our presidents then were nearly assassinated by assassins. That is why our government employs secret servicemen and -women.

About the rewards.

If all members take part in attacking or fighting against another alliance and the outcome turns to their side and wins the fight, then they can loot the enemies' cities and share their lootings among each other. That way, every member will be happy with whatever they got - either cities ffrom the enemies that lost, extra resources, and other things after a fight.

Also, the treasurer as I said counts how many each member has from the rewards that they all together have looted from the loosing side of the fight that they had against their enemy or enemies alliance. A good country works if the person in charge of the nation has cabinet members besides having advisors that advise what the person should do day to day. Even though the advisors say a new idea, it is thought of the person having thought the idea by himself. That is why our nation, the U.S., has cabinet members and advisors so that the day's laoad of troubles that are on the president's shoulders have lessoned to only half the much he has per day. Besides that, he has Joint Cheif of staffs.

This is a game, not real life. There are no assassins that wipe your leaders from the Earth, bar maybe the curse of inactivity.


This is a game, not real life. There are no assassins that wipe your leaders from the Earth, bar maybe the curse of inactivity.

One person asked if it was comparing to real life in another thread I posted but I might have meant the enemy's spies. That kind of job might go off the job needed volunteers. You're maybe right. I shouldn't have gotten it on with the others but it would only put two members on as deputy chief of staff.