Proposal Ritual tokens made universal like Improved favor tokens


Ritual tokens (like Nereids, Passionate pop, Wedding Among Aristocrats) are applied to all cities like Improved Favor tokens. This means that no matter which city you cast the relevant spell from, additional effects will always occur.

Now you don't have to worry having the appropriate city selected when casting the relevant spell. This inconvenience is evident especially with Wedding Among Aristocrats because you have to constantly switch between cities for casting/checking warehouse. It takes quite a few clicks to get to the 'Info' tab for the city you're trying to cast on, and it is very easy to forget and make a mistake. imo, there is no reason for it to be like this. Being able to cast spells with the shortcut in the top right is very handy, and should also apply to these tokens.

Lastly, a player may pointlessly have to check through all their cities if they forget which has the token active a few hours later.

This suggestion doesn't change gameplay except that you can't cast the relevant spell without additional effects while the token is running if you own more than one city.
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This proposal was brought into the game with the update to version 2.148 (although it was missed off the changelog, and therefore wasn't mentioned until the changelog of version 2.149 came out). No idea whether it was done just because it made sense, or whether it was because of this thread (unlikely as the classification suggests that it never made it to voting), but either way this proposal is technically resolved.