Santa Army -What happened?


One day, they are sitting high, with an impressive point per player.

Next day, withering and dying.

In less than a week.. Any insight into how such a collapse occurred?


MRAs don't do well. Look at their DBP. I'm sure other alliances are farming them.


If slobo made his alliance more compact he would still be around, but they were in all 4 major oceans. With a 120 alliance cap thats never going to work out if the world is less them a week old.


Mra alliances are hard to keep together as everyone wants a piece :p


That and the fact they didn't attack very much. An alliance that size needs to hit hard early on if it wants to survive and dominate.


SA didn't merge. They were taken down by other alliances. Their leader wasn't much of a leader, and they were getting hit on all sides (look at their BPD). Their players realized how terrible SA was with its structure and leadership, so they left because SA came crumbling down.


Join us

Johanco on 2011-12-18 at 18:22
No I'd sooner be rimmed

clints201 on 2011-12-18 at 15:36
Hi to all the citizens of Johanco City.

I see you are in a very dire situation. You have big alliances all around you. Why not join our alliance, Santa's Army, and be 3rd in the alliance table. You will need our help sooner than you think?

I look forward to seeing you in our ranks...


Join us

Johanco on 2011-12-18 at 18:22
No I'd sooner be rimmed

clints201 on 2011-12-18 at 15:36
Hi to all the citizens of Johanco City.

I see you are in a very dire situation. You have big alliances all around you. Why not join our alliance, Santa's Army, and be 3rd in the alliance table. You will need our help sooner than you think?

I look forward to seeing you in our ranks...

haha i love it lol


To be honest it was a mixture of over-confidence and a lack of communication between the leadership and the players (mostly on part of the leadership I'd have thought). All the same, it was still just an alliance that built too fast and fell because of it's mistakes. Will it rebuild? Who knows?


They, like any other MRA failed pretty soon after BP ended, I wasn't surprised.


Thus why mraing does not get you far. This is a wake-up call to people who bailed on leaders (like Johnny07) to join a MRA. If you look at the alliances slobo.c has led, you will see a lot of failures (like Vendetta in Omega) Just look for a second at some odds. Mra's usually get farmed early on. This comes to prove the point of their DBP rank. Now look at Infernus Phoenix. 5 or so members, top 15 ABP. I rest my case.


Actually Santa Army didnt merge or collapse by other alliances. I was there and it mainly was a matter of confusion. There was too much chaos within the alliance, some didnt like where the alliance was headed, some got tricked into leaving (messages from other alliances), and other stuff like that.

OH WELL, Im in HAP now...and luvvin it


SA were Mra and also there leader slobo.c leades lots of alliance and all of them have failed