Sigma Agont Aunt is Back

  • Thread starter Sapphire Sorrows
  • Start date


Hello My dears,

You may have noticed a break between My threads...unfortunately i have received no questions! This thread is a little missing without the advice, please send me in something to work with for next week.

So this is all we have for this week:

The 7 Deadly Sin Awards!

Lust ~ The player I most want to be based on their performance in game


Barry69 of D.N. still holds the most balanced ABP/DBP therefore keeps the teacup. There's something almost reassuring about this - he's like our stone folks, he's in for the long haul.

Anger ~ The player who shows the most aggression in game


This week the anger cup goes to Dingy of D.N. who has an impressive 23755 Attack Battle Points. RAWR this Tiger is on the loose!

Sloth ~ the active member of the forum who isn’t so active in game


Thomas The Magnificent...i couldn't even find you in-game! While you've started some popular threads in this forum you haven't got yourself in world therefore you are this weeks Sloth.

Covetousness ~ The City I want most based on name and points


This was a hard one to pick...there are some great names out there. As entertaining as thorlen's are (if you happen to enjoy a drink every now and then) i had to go with Killer Tooth Cliff, which belongs to Mellowmalt of "Warriors of Epsilion". It's really quite original.

Gluttony~ The Player who takes the most cities in game


whosaylove has 10 cities, ON NOM NOM NOM. Hope they taste good.

Pride ~ The Best Alliance in game (My Opinion)


D.N. take this one, Holding the best players in their alliance and all three Battle Point Statistic hotspots got held by them aswell. Kudos guys, keep it up.

Envy ~ The Alliance I want to be in based on performance in game


You know what? After being in a few alliances now i have to split this award up into core and rim. In the Sigma Core i like how D.N. have stayed strong, a close second would be Bucking Frutal who were doing pretty well against the Gathering when i was with them (i left when i was rimmed).
Since being rimmed i've seen only a couple good alliances about. Luckily i lead one, Eleusinian Mysteries. I'd say we are doing the best position, point average and Battle Point Wise. Spartan 2.0 are one of the top alliances in the rankings however they don't do polite with mails. I learnt first hand when i was offered the opportunity to merge into their alliance. At that point they had only one member in the same ocean as me....and my own alliance i just started had 4 members. War was threatened, and i received an attack from 13hours away *Gasp* that lost a fair few amount of troops to my mighty militia.
So anyways, i think rimwise i am going with the alliance i am in. Quite happy where i am :)

That’s all for this week folks, send me in your questions please :)


Sapphire, what are you considering are Rim alliances? Because I'm not in agreement with your opinion at all. But then again your in a different ocean then I am so I don't pay any heed to the alliances your looking at (espiecally the core)


Sapphire, what are you considering are Rim alliances? Because I'm not in agreement with your opinion at all. But then again your in a different ocean then I am so I don't pay any heed to the alliances your looking at (espiecally the core)

Rim alliances are alliances on the rim, or those than recruit on the rim.

Sometimes players who are rimmed from the CORE are kicked / or leave their alliance because they will have no support until they get back to the center.


Most of my experiences on this world is for the North East, if you feel there are alliances/people i should look at then feel free to mail me on forum or in game.

Still looking for questions :)


i like how you got this one out right before the personality of the month poll ms agony aunt


It came out on Thursday, same day as always.

TTM, it makes you lazy if you quit!


Rim alliances are alliances on the rim, or those than recruit on the rim.

Sometimes players who are rimmed from the CORE are kicked / or leave their alliance because they will have no support until they get back to the center.

That's one way to avoid my question. Basically my question was getting at:

What oceans do you consider RIM material?

We all have different opinions on what's RIM and what's Core. Though most people will agree on the conses of Core. Just curious what her opinion is. Like I know personally I'm on the core.


To answer your question, I personally think that the outer oceans would be the rim. For example, O53, O64.


I think you should create a top 12 of the RIM alliances - those poor guys get forgotten about too often :(

It's cold at the rim....but peaceful.

I do not have the wordiness nor information technology skills to do it justice - but you dear sapphire I feel do.


If i get enough people who would also like to see a rim rop 12 i may add it to my weekly doings :)


Rim people wont speak us as for now they feel ashamed of being on the RIM, thet think it's shameful - personally I think it's smart - esp if you're good and just got unlucky :)

Core people - wont speak up because the don't care and are slightly ego-centric - look at the Top 12 alliance thread - it's meant to be a thread where people rate the top 12 instead it's turned into a group of players that stroke their own egos - feeling great pride over the most mundane and forgettable conquests.

You are the people sapphire, the voice of those that can only whisper in the shadows.


I write what the people like...i'm not quite arrogant enough to think all i write is good :)

If some other people on the rim step up then i will look into it.


To answer your question, I personally think that the outer oceans would be the rim. For example, O53, O64.

In my personal experience. O64 is on the edge of being on a Core/Rim Ocean. It's on the verge of either one. Doesn't fit in.

Rim people wont speak us as for now they feel ashamed of being on the RIM, thet think it's shameful - personally I think it's smart - esp if you're good and just got unlucky :)

What about those players who would rather be on the RIM? I would mind seeing a thread, or perspective on the Top 12 Rim Alliances. However, the problem with that is just a fact. It's hard to evaulate where Top 12 Rim alliances are because Rim Oceans are so many until later on then a few of them become part of the Core Oceans. Their also spread out unlike the Core Oceans where they are right next to each other.

I would also take a look at some of the players that are gaining BP at ridicilious rates Sapphire and maybe evualate them deeper rather then taking a look at the top 20. (I'm not sure how you judge who you think is doing the best in BP wise other then have a nice score in DBP & ABP). There's quite a few players below top 5 are catching up to the top 10 fighters mighty quickly from what I see.


I think they are catching up because of morale.

Larger players smallers player but it gets to the point when losses become too great resulting in less kills therefore fewer apb.

As much as morale maybe a loathed system - tbh it's a brilliantly thought out idea that requires an allliance to encourage smaller players to do the initial attacking.