And yet you had time to post about how bored you were...and about how you wished oh you wished someone would just attack even said something about quitting if you lost a city.
Speaking of very nearly disbanding...could have been you guys at one point. For awhile everyone we attacked would VM.
The truth is it was a good fight that could have gone either way, but your attitude towards anyone that still opposes you diminishes your victory. All your little Klingon friends on your bandwagon also work to tarnish your victory imo...and they definitely put the lie to the "poor little us versus the big, bad server' garbage you are selling.
I was bored it took you to months after that to op me and you got a 3k city 2 oceans from my support which was deep in your core and you still call that a victory at the cost of 200k DBP...
It was a good fight but the fact i was revolted by 2 other alliances at the time in 2 other locations as well as the 3 cities you revolted just shows it was never just your had 550 attacks that day -it took til the last for you to take the city, but i still congratulated you.. that is class buddy,
all these excuses for failure here, gold, merges, tricks, whatever -it takes away from the esteem we held you in for a long time. show us the respect we deserve for what we achieved starting from nothing and you can win that back - or choose to be bitter and derogatory towards the end. When i get beat in this game i always say 'well done'. show the same class.
Are you freaking kidding? KBO came out here and called me Hitler. You guys said anything, did anything, made any promise and then broke it if you had that's class! Well done.
and you guys allied with us twice and betrayed us are not hitler however, I would say yu are more like Eva Braun ..and Vonl is adolf oh and Beanbag is Blondie the alsatian
And there you have it: lies followed by vague references to Nazis...the patent pending sure to work never fail jamobatch propaganda playbook...seen too much of it myself.
Oh take a joke James..laughter is the best medicine. although for the kind of hurt we put on your butt yesterday maybe paracetemol and aloe vera would be better?
and you guys allied with us twice and betrayed us are not hitler however, I would say yu are more like Eva Braun ..and Vonl is adolf oh and Beanbag is Blondie the alsatian
Allied twice. First betrayal merge or die, we chose die. You failed to deliver on your end!
Second, don't worry we will attack them and build a decent alliance. I meant we will let you attack and see if we can steal as many villages as we can. You failed to deliver.
If we weren't hitting BOB and then Freedom Fighters, we would have been in a better position, you guys wouldn't exist. It took a long time to convince people Timmyc was FOS.
Allied twice. First betrayal merge or die, we chose die. You failed to deliver on your end!
Second, don't worry we will attack them and build a decent alliance. I meant we will let you attack and see if we can steal as many villages as we can. You failed to deliver.
If we weren't hitting BOB and then Freedom Fighters, we would have been in a better position, you guys wouldn't exist. It took a long time to convince people Timmyc was FOS.
I don't think you understand. Everytime I see it I laugh, I don't care if you spend it, if you are too poor to defend yourself it is your problem not mine. It's not like you don't have time on your side, I am all the way out in 048. I am too far away for you to attack even though you boast of O47 defences.
There isn't a level I don't think you are poor at. My dollar free attacks versus you $10 defences will continue to amuse me. But pales into insignificance, KBO $100 wall. Point whore! 297 levels in 7 hours, useless winker!
^ do you mean the royal you mate? you have never landed an attack on me yet, let alone had me rebuilding a wall with gold lol!!!..more lies from HandBag (i like that as a new name for you)..
To be honest I dont know whats worse, The liars and hypocrites in TLB or the deluded lot in TR..
Although in fairness this game in general really has gone FUBAR very rapidly... Honestly, Not and its not just this server but the game in general.. Still though Jamo, I guess you forgot what I told you a couple of months ago when I said I would never fully trust you... Did you ask yourself why I sent the coms to sosoy in the first place? to get her to stop spying? or to test TRs reaction?, Why do you think I asked about TRs rank and file knowing about the message in the first place before sending the message? I already knew the answer and I already guessed what would happen if I sent it..... See I already knew I couldn't fully trust you as I had already told you that a couple of months ago, I also said that I hadn't forgotten about Herm and guess what J, I hadn't...
You already told me all I needed to know when you said about TLB where still rotating in and also that in your surprise that I knew about how Jillodocos's city on the TLB "wonder island" hadn't reciceved a single hit.. Despite it supposedly being an op target..
I'll give you and TLB an B for effort, but an epic fail for execution.. After all what did it achieve?... Nothing... And on top of that despite the 400+ attacks from the two alliances lead by a bunch of detached cretins, You still where not and will not be able to take that WW city off us.. Comical I must say, Even more so considering one of those alliances seemingly likes to brag about being "Wonder Busters" while the other is just a collection of gold whores....
As I have always said J, A persons actions speak louder than their words.... Never have those words become both more sensible and more prominent than here on Grepo. Hence why I was and am justified in calling Ahr a liar and a hypocrite and why I would be justified in calling you whatever I pleased.
I shall close by quoting what a member of one of your alliance's told me in a message earlier today..
"the top alliances are working together and swaping players so all can be winners this is a game of war not lay down and submit"
I was waiting for days for you to open your mouth on here and thank you very much for doing so
First of all, calling us liars and hypocrites, we have NEVER been dishonest on here. When we found out a player was selling his account, and we let the alliance he was in know, when we found out a player that was with us had an extra account in your alliance - We also let you know + we did not go for AMs internals, because we got the info from that cheater
Most others would not have done what we did
Now about trusting Jamovic - based on the skype convos ive read between you two, you surely seemed to trust him
You sounded like a 13 year old kid just getting a new game for his Playstation - when you by "accident" received our massmail and rushed into talks - talking about helping each other, and i believe i somewhere read something about a merge
Were you trying to get yourself a crown? a crown that was in no way deserved?
Now about us bragging and calling ourselfes wonder busters eventho we cannot bust your wonder!
Last time i checked, we had this town called 034 Red Wonder, guess where its located? wait for it..... On your WW island
Why dont you tell Jamovic the real reason for your VM ? Or maybe he should ask the cofounders of TD about that?
The only hypocrite here is you, got a whole skype convo to confirm that, how fast you were to jump on Jamos D when you thought u had something on us... What you dont know is were always a step ahead of you, in no way would i ever make a mistake of missending an important massmail to the enemy... I was surprised that u fell for it. Just proves how smart you are
And to answer what my massmail achieved, it gave us something to laugh at
Loved following your convo on skype and seing you being so happy, just to take it all away again from you - You must have thought you had a chance once again
What a big flop this WW was for you all huh, "the big coalition", you couldnt even complete ONE wonder LOOOL
Generic Greek Name today at 23:13
So you decided to stalk me rather than actually address what I said... How pathetic... Seriously J, Grow the **** up...
Go on report me for that.. I really don't care... I atleast have enough class not go posting your picture on the externals or make this personal, so I would ask you to respect that but its a little late for that as you crossed that line.. At least Sir Codfish( SIR COD IS BACK LOL!!!!- MGK) was classy enough to avoid making it personal.. Grow up you peice[sic] of ****.
Well where to start here, first a very rude message indeed. As like most people, meet them in real life you will be disappointed. so much of what you said here in the past of your stature in life is untrue GGN and for every future forum post from you mentioning my name i will reveal a little more..I did warn you about 40 times not to get in my business on this forum but you pushed and pushed. Isn't so much fun when its happening to you now is it?? oh and you did make it personal a long time ago buddy, and you know it.
A wise man from TF once told me :
'Oh what a joy to deceive the deceiver ' Machiavelli
Oh and i don't report people not like you and your cronies.
This will be my last post on these externals - no time for non-entertainment anymore sadly. Rather than contribute to the continuous trash talking (just call me Mr. FOS, THE FOS...its got a nice ring to it), I figured I'd congratulate everyone on a great game. I respect the hell out of most of the TD/TF folks I met, I will always be grateful to the group that left repo to help start stupid, and I appreciate the Fallen folks that took a chance on creating something bigger and better than the rest of the dealings that were going on. Your perception of the goings on will always be colored by the side you were on and its easy to spin a story and talk a big game and try to explain away what will be the end result. Everyone that is still here, even the GGNs and blackbags, deserve a round of beers...if nothing for the entertainment provided. I hope the folks that played with me have the capacity to cut through the BS and hope those that played against us respect what we built and accomplished. James - though diplo was rough and geography was not on our side, youre a great player. Michael and all the TD leaders I talked to directly, you played a great game and I respect the hell out of you. Kom, you made the leap when it sure as hell wasn't popular and stuck by me through and through, mad love bud. Ed, ski, dawn, tig, DG, splat, tim, emmed, lep, WL, sheritan, and too many others, thanks for supporting, following, leading, and kicking *ss through those early days and continuing that down the home stretch. Bandit, eider, and the like, thanks for not drinking too much of the kool-aid, seeing past the smokescreens, and being generally awesome. Thanks too to all the Fallen members I didn't know for very long but that busted *ss to get us where we are and to the folks from other alliances (BoB, Rednecks, BrB, and late game supporters/allies like WE, TLB, and Damaged) that hopped on board and made a good thing, great. Its a strategy game and regardless of the outcome or where everyone is sitting at the end of the day, if you're still here, you helped make it as fun and enjoyable as it could be. Share a little love people. Don't walk away aint gotta be like that. It certainly isn't over yet, but these externals battles should be.
Firstly Pudf.......... search PudFu**** on the urban dictionary and you will observe that it is a homophobic slang term.. So please enjoy your richly deserved ban...
Ahr, You are a liar and hypocrite. I called you out on it before and I will call you out on it again. Plus I will call you by whatever I please.
Thizzle, We wheren't played because as I said before. We never believed it.
I agree, and for that I thanked your alliance. But in doing so your alliance exposed your hypocracy, See while you would name and expose a rule breaker, you would not do the same for an informant and when quizzed upon it Ahr lied in her reply. As a result her claims failed to stand up to a little skeptical analysis. Not my fault her story was full of holes...
Now about trusting Jamovic - based on the skype convos ive read between you two, you surely seemed to trust him
You sounded like a 13 year old kid just getting a new game for his Playstation - when you by "accident" received our massmail and rushed into talks - talking about helping each other, and i believe i somewhere read something about a merge
And you do not? I know I have the truth on my side so I really don't care what you think. Plus, reading clearly isnt your strong suit, I said "fully trust". There is quite a lot I would never and did not share with Jamo.
Were you trying to get yourself a crown? a crown that was in no way deserved?
I never denied your alliance has a city on one of our wonder islands. Hence why I refered to your alliance as wonder busters. The quote once again if you would learn to read was, "And on top of that despite the 400+ attacks from the two alliances lead by a bunch of detached cretins, You still where not and will not be able to take that WW city off us.. Comical I must say, Even more so considering one of those alliances seemingly likes to brag about being "Wonder Busters"". Is it not obvious when I say 400+ attacks that Iam actually talking about Port Heehaw, The city we are currently bouncing between owners and you have not been able to take off us?...
Why dont you tell Jamovic the real reason for your VM ? Or maybe he should ask the cofounders of TD about that?
Why is it something more sinister that even I don't know?
I'll tell you the truth if you really want to know..
I have nerve pain in my legs due to some sciatica that Iam unable to shift, I have been having extensive acupuncture and physio to treat and it hasn't really addressed the issue so Iam going in for an operation shortly to address the issue again. I have zero problem sharing that infomation and make absolutely zero secret of it either. In fact if you must know I have VM activated again as I will need some time to recover following the surgery
The only hypocrite here is you, got a whole skype convo to confirm that, how fast you were to jump on Jamos D when you thought u had something on us... What you dont know is were always a step ahead of you, in no way would i ever make a mistake of missending an important massmail to the enemy... I was surprised that u fell for it. Just proves how smart you are
The problem Thiz is that we didn't fall for it, As I said earlier why do you think I sent it sosoy in the first place? Because I was testing the idea that it was fake. I know what was said about it on the TR forum in reply to Sosoy posting it, Just like we knew your alliance wasn't hitting Jillodocos's city on the TLB "wonder island", Even when Jamo said that Ahr hadn't replied to him despite me knowing that she had been online, Or it being obvious that TLB where still rotating into TR, Something that Jamo himself admitted....... Actions as I said spoke louder than words so we had good reason to question it... and we quite rightly did..
Call me a hypocrite if you want Thiz, I really don't care. I tested Jamo to see what the situation was and if we could exploit it and when it became clear to me we where being played based on TR's and TLB's actions and replies we stepped back. I therefore would question your logic of us 'falling for it'?
And to answer what my massmail achieved, it gave us something to laugh at
As I told one of your members, It was no more factually accurate than Rickys MM to us.
Loved following your convo on skype and seing you being so happy, just to take it all away again from you - You must have thought you had a chance once again
No, Iam not here to win.. I have done that already on another world, This is a game and Iam here to play it.. Plus look at the timeline of events, and the time stamps on my message to sosoy..
What a big flop this WW was for you all huh, "the big coalition", you couldnt even complete ONE wonder LOOOL
Its not our fault his username was a re-jig of a homophobic slur nor is it our fault that his city names where innappropriate for a game of players of all ages.. Honestly I wasn't expecting all of them to be changed, But I think you should be more concerned about his mistakes rather than blaming us for pointing them out. Plus as Iam sure you are aware support normally take some time to act, Iam told the case was rasied to support well before his revolt attacks where even in the water.
And finally to Jamo, I have nothing more to say to you that has not already been said.. But that said I was not aware that you had apologised on here when I sent you that message in game and for that I apologise as I had not been on here and seen your apology.
Feel free to reveal and say whatever you want I really dont care anymore. It only constitutes and furthers a case and claim of both bullying and harassment against me.. I am pleased to see you apologised, But Iam just amused that you think that spreading stories about someone is a respectful thing to do? You must be a Scientologist...
Firstly Pudf.......... search PudFu**** on the urban dictionary and you will observe that it is a homophobic slang term.. So please enjoy your richly deserved ban...
First off, this name was changed once before, by an admin - So u would assume the name would be ok - when the admin changed it himself
Secondly his name has been that for a very long time, must say its a convenient time for his ban - right as we were going for your WW city
We have screenshots of the clearing from the admin/mod, so its a very suspecious case - wouldnt be the first time a ingame mod helps his friends out
Thizzle, We wheren't played because as I said before. We never believed it.
To me it sure did look like you were played - As said got like 2 full days of convo between you and MGK to prove it
Errr, Yes you where. I have numerous quotes from Ahr in which she lied to me directly. So don't claim to be the wounded party here or the victims.
Were not playing the victims, you are the victims, your WW plans got ruined
I agree, and for that I thanked your alliance. But in doing so your alliance exposed your hypocracy, See while you would name and expose a rule breaker, you would not do the same for an informant and when quizzed upon it Ahr lied in her reply. As a result her claims failed to stand up to a little skeptical analysis. Not my fault her story was full of holes...
We never had an informant in your camp - The same does not apply for you
And again, if we did have a spy in your camp (which we did not), this is a war game, spies are not cheating, its a part of the game
And you do not? I know I have the truth on my side so I really don't care what you think. Plus, reading clearly isnt your strong suit, I said "fully trust". There is quite a lot I would never and did not share with Jamo.
I do not trust MGK, i do not really trust anyone - but since we share the same goals, trusting MGK can no way hurt us
I never denied your alliance has a city on one of our wonder islands. Hence why I refered to your alliance as wonder busters. The quote once again if you would learn to read was, "And on top of that despite the 400+ attacks from the two alliances lead by a bunch of detached cretins, You still where not and will not be able to take that WW city off us.. Comical I must say, Even more so considering one of those alliances seemingly likes to brag about being "Wonder Busters"". Is it not obvious when I say 400+ attacks that Iam actually talking about Port Heehaw, The city we are currently bouncing between owners and you have not been able to take off us?...
Your city was cleared for days, us not being able to take it is because u have cs on the same island, at one point you would get sloppy and loose it, which i guess is why you got our player driving the cs banned
Why is it something more sinister that even I don't know?
I'll tell you the truth if you really want to know..
I have nerve pain in my legs due to some sciatica that Iam unable to shift, I have been having extensive acupuncture and physio to treat and it hasn't really addressed the issue so Iam going in for an operation shortly to address the issue again. I have zero problem sharing that infomation and make absolutely zero secret of it either. In fact if you must know I have VM activated again as I will need some time to recover following the surgery
Ohh i thought it was because you messed up WW for your team and they got a bit mad at u, could be wrong tho
The problem Thiz is that we didn't fall for it, As I said earlier why do you think I sent it sosoy in the first place? Because I was testing the idea that it was fake. I know what was said about it on the TR forum in reply to Sosoy posting it, Just like we knew your alliance wasn't hitting Jillodocos's city on the TLB "wonder island", Even when Jamo said that Ahr hadn't replied to him despite me knowing that she had been online, Or it being obvious that TLB where still rotating into TR, Something that Jamo himself admitted....... Actions as I said spoke louder than words so we had good reason to question it... and we quite rightly did..
Even Sosoy played you, i do not see what you achieved by sending her the msg lol - and u had more defense in Jillodocos city than u had on your WW islands lol
Call me a hypocrite if you want Thiz, I really don't care. I tested Jamo to see what the situation was and if we could exploit it and when it became clear to me we where being played based on TR's and TLB's actions and replies we stepped back. I therefore would question your logic of us 'falling for it'?
Do not see how you tested anything, you got a misleading MM from me and right away ran into MGKs arms
No, Iam not here to win.. I have done that already on another world, This is a game and Iam here to play it.. Plus look at the timeline of events, and the time stamps on my message to sosoy..
Surely to me it seemed like you wanted to win - otherwise, why would u pact with half the server and make the game so boring for yourselfes?
Still more wonders that your alliance was able to build. At least we tried..
Actually we have built just as many wonders as u have - ZERO
But our biggest "Wonder" is making you fail building yours So we achieved our goals
Its not our fault his username was a re-jig of a homophobic slur nor is it our fault that his city names where innappropriate for a game of players of all ages.. Honestly I wasn't expecting all of them to be changed, But I think you should be more concerned about his mistakes rather than blaming us for pointing them out. Plus as Iam sure you are aware support normally take some time to act, Iam told the case was rasied to support well before his revolt attacks where even in the water.
Yes it is not your fault, it is the ingame Mods fault - as he changed it to that
Feel free to appeal or make any claim you want Thiz, Ultmately you cannot prove if we did or didnt have an aid but you are clearly unwilling to dismiss the possibity that I raised later in my post that the issue was infact raised long before his attacks where even launched. I can quite easily obtain the exact time and date the issue was raised with support if you wish from the player who raised the issue.
We never had an informant in your camp - The same does not apply for you
Your city was cleared for days, us not being able to take it is because u have cs on the same island, at one point you would get sloppy and loose it, which i guess is why you got our player driving the cs banned
And thats what happens when you make assumptions..
Even Sosoy played you, i do not see what you achieved by sending her the msg lol - and u had more defense in Jillodocos city than u had on your WW islands lol
Not really a smart one are you Thiz. Firstly did I not clearly say that I was not talking on behalf of TD?, I said I was simply seeing what was on offer. Secondly Jamo also said that TR was a democracy, But expressed yet still said he would cancel the op... Not much of a democracy if thats the case. I have already gone through the other logic holes uncovered in the coms..
I wasn't talking on behalf of TD because we where skeptical of the MM and I was testing Jamo to see what was real and what wasn't. I knew I couldnt just ask him.
Surely to me it seemed like you wanted to win - otherwise, why would u pact with half the server and make the game so boring for yourselfes?