Top 12 Sink-or-Swim

  • Thread starter Greygnarl The Destroyer
  • Start date


Alliances in Grepo are like the social contract. You give up the freedoms of doing whatever you want in total anarchy in order to band together for protection and expansion. Working together, you achieve a set of team and individual goals. But should the leadership not do a good job in the eye of the players, then they will leave.

Now, I am definitely not saying that you're a bad leader. It may just happen to be that someone on your team got pouty and created a panic. One person's view and actions can impact an entire world. I've met many people who have shown nothing but loyalty, even when the odds were stacked against them. As for gold, the effects negate the more you carry on in the game. I know that many player stop using it entirely eventually.


and tbh its putting me off playing the game grepo has beccome alla about gold and players that have nothing to do in Rl or its kids playing that have no loyalty

ive been a leader in tons of top alliances im a gold whore for sure but im sure anyone who knows me will also vouche im a team player.

i dont think gold is the issue if im honest and from my experiance.

the type of player who gains high rank from gold and plays with serious effort putting in the time often can get a bit over involved in the game and lose perspective (i know it happend to me as a new player to grepo) ive seen this in loads of players.
also you can be a great leader but if your stuck with one of your top guns and he becomes or is a drama queen it can seal the end of a team.
id go so far as to sayhigh rank gold whore drama queens are the biggest threat to most alliances.

your team is not the first on the server to suffer from this drama i know for defo and this happens on every server.

i know your leadership team is good and i wish you luck :)


ive been a leader in tons of top alliances im a gold whore for sure but im sure anyone who knows me will also vouche im a team player.

i dont think gold is the issue if im honest and from my experiance.

the type of player who gains high rank from gold and plays with serious effort putting in the time often can get a bit over involved in the game and lose perspective (i know it happend to me as a new player to grepo) ive seen this in loads of players.
also you can be a great leader but if your stuck with one of your top guns and he becomes or is a drama queen it can seal the end of a team.
id go so far as to sayhigh rank gold whore drama queens are the biggest threat to most alliances.

your team is not the first on the server to suffer from this drama i know for defo and this happens on every server.

i know your leadership team is good and i wish you luck :)

i do agree with what you said and maybe i worded it poorly


Bored....Corey suggested i do one! Top 6 though

Tidal Surge~Swim
Well they gained rank 1 recently by taking in most of "Zombies" members.Easily in control of O64 with their academy/brother alliance.They seem to have some sort of a pact with "The Dark Side",cause they have been supporting TDS cities recently.Which may or may not be to their disadvantage.ABP wise pretty good,not surprised that their DBP is that low seeing that they have no threats in O64.So for now they're swimming

Knights who say NI~Sink
They too have taken in some Zombies members and hence rank 2 now.Even though they do have some really good members it's sad to see their ABP and DBP so low for a Top 6 alliance.they have some really far spread out members as well,so I dont think they will last long.

The Nazgul ~Swim
Rank 1 ABP,pretty good!Location wise as well they are gonna increase their numbers in O53 before leaving it,even though they seem to be heading south.One of the best rim alliances and pretty shocking to see them at rank 3.They might be having a pact with knights,cause they haven't taken any cities from them.So i guess some knights may join them if they start to head downhill.

Cannot comment but,
cmoney173 is awesome! and Pandas are,
"very pandary, eats bamboo all day, sink"

Acid Reign~Swim
Shocking to see that they dont have any oceans under control.Lost rank 1 when knights and TDS took in zombies,but surely they will regain rank 1 seen that they have 14 member slots open.HARPOON's and AR seem to be battling it out nicely.surely AR would win that war.Most of their cities are pretty close to each other,except for a few that and pretty far out.

Morning Glory~Float
Can't really say much about them,Being doing some defense cause their DBP rank is 5.ABP ranking is not that bad.But most of their colonization's have been internals.Beltain could be a issue for them in O45,they have already lost a few cities to them.They seem to be heading into O54 mainly.

Now here's something interesting park-it(pandas) found,Ocean 54 has a presence of ALL the top 6 alliances.Which means sooner or later someone will have to call dibs on that ocean.and when that happens there's gonna be a heck of a war.


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The world is going to blow up soon. It seems a lot like the battle lines are being drawn. Definitely an interesting watch. Its going to be absolute chaos in Nysa.