Top 12 Sink or Swim

Evil MeIinoe

I personally find the trash talk a huge part of this game and I love it, you just need to separate emotions and feelings from it and realize it’s all fun and games.
In real life outside the game I’m respectful to everyone and get along with everyone, hell even in discord team chat rooms I’m a lot different.
wgat I think you guys are getting upset about will never end, and I don’t relate it to the social media cyber bullying stuff, this is a competitive game, and a huge part of competition is talking trash, but at the end of the day you’ll still see two boxers shaking hands, even if leading up to the fight they took verbal shots at each other. It is the nature of competitive sports / games. If that bothers you I suggest just stay off the externals and stick to discord chats with your perspective teams

I personally agree with you to some extent. As you say this is a competitive game and yes, the poop talk does come into play and it does play a big role but from my point of view, there are limitations. There is banter, and then there is being horrible. Trolling someone and having a laugh in the right manner is all fun and games and I think it should be in the game. However, when things get personal and horrible that's where the line should be drawn.

One of my players got a wonderful message from a certain individual calling them "a retard" which some people may find it funny and they're entitled to their opinion. Don't get me wrong, I have a really dark sense of humor in real life even with my best friend who is disabled. We both might have a dig at each other from time to time and have a joke because we been friends for 12 years but, it doesn't give a random person the right to call them horrible names. I know it's just a "word" in some peoples eyes but it's actually a slur, and it isn't nice. You never know what the person on the other end of the screen is going through that person could in fact be disabled you know? I know people do it all over the world and I normally just stay quiet. It doesn't have an impact on my emotions but I'm just saying, it can have a negative impact on others.

I don't know maybe I'm build differently, I keep my dark humor close to home and with my closest friends. I am always open to banter and we have a lot of it here in the Disciples family.
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there are big difference...trash talks or bull
trash talk is ok and bluffing and so...this is cool and needs to be...i dont want to talk about this...but throwin s..t here all over is not cool...
no need to understand me wrong and i am on this side that bluffing and make jokes or trashtalk is part of the game.
no need to forget the line here