Skirmish at the end of the world


This is the story of a small city somewhere in ocean 46....

Not long ago a small city was founded at the edge of the known world. Many other cities were created on that and neighboring islands. Many remained in there initial status, while some started to grow. But some neighbors grew amazingly fast. The citizens of our small city were even more astonished when they discovered, that their direct neighbor, whom they can reach in 15 mins, suddenly swapped owner over night and now they find themselves next to the master of growth.


Another city of the same alliance also grew fast, by far not that fast, but very soon they started to look for more resources around and looted our small city regularly.


Thus, the small city had no other choice to rebuilding its poor defenses and slowly raising its shields every day. That was going on for a short time, but then they decided that they loved our city so much that it would be time to closely align it to the mother of growth.

While the major had some other business, a revolt was ignited.


All troops lost, the tiny navy destroyed, some resources gone. Bad enough, but our neighbor thought that would be an opportunity to fetch some resources cheaply. That's why it is good to be in an alliance.


Ouch! A revolt going on and most of the resources looted. The people in the city were really unhappy. But what is that. Another two attacks coming in. Intelligence revealed that one was clearly a CS coming from the former farmer. The other one is coming from our friendly neighbor. Get more cheap resources? Well, let them bite into our militia.


Now what? The city council agreed to asked other neighbors for help. Messengers were sent across the island and over the sea to other cities. Having heart many rumors before they were not too much surprised that there were no answer (not quite correct, but we will come to that later). Meanwhile the department of defense was busy recruiting whatever they could get their hands on. The mood in the city reached an all time low and a number of citizens were already looking forward to the CS of the new lord arriving. The generals did expect a last clearing wave before the main troops would arrive, hence troops tried to hide as long as possible. But nothing happened. Did the alliance had some communication problems?

Then the day of the battle came. be continued...


skirmish continued

Minutes pass slowly, but with no other enemies showing up and the CS already in sight, the city calls in the ridiculous army and the unwilling militia. What a poor sight. Already expecting exile in the garden house of a nearby dictator everybody was surprised to see this:


They could not believe their eyes. The mighty enemy beaten and his ships going home empty. That justified a victory procession, for sure. While the revolt was going on, overtime the rebels realized that nobody was coming to help them out.

A day later the city received some answers to their plea for help. One city was willing to start negotiations on a future alliance and depending on the success of the negotiations one (who?) would see what one (again: who?) could do. Well, that is like a government that today would start negotiations with Poland about probably supporting them against the Nazis, maybe, sometimes in the future...
Others expressed their sorrow but because they are all close friends with that alliances they cannot help although they really, really would like to do that. Yeah, in grepohugs everybody is so close with everybody else...

Hope you had some fun ... and please post some stories too



Yes, Athropa found two other KOTOR III buddys to help and they launched 26 attacks from eight cities and a bolt from another city within two days. That eroded defenses to the final end...

The end ;)
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