Some help please


So im new to all this and could realy use some help, i never seem to have enough resouse to build things and its taking me ages to get my market, i realy want to get the market so i can buy stuff for my troops.

Is there anyone nice enough to send me some resourse please

thanks in advance

Lady fusionator


I doubt very much anyone will.

Are you farming regularly?


So im new to all this and could realy use some help, i never seem to have enough resouse to build things and its taking me ages to get my market, i realy want to get the market so i can buy stuff for my troops.

Is there anyone nice enough to send me some resourse please

thanks in advance

Lady fusionator

:) You are funny Lady :)

I really doubt someone would simply send you resources.


If you are non active peaceful settler, then build resource production buildings and demand resources from farming villages.
If you are active and somewhat aggressive, then in addition attack and farm your neighbours.


Im sorry i dont realy understand, i am active i am on nearly all day but i havent been able to build all my stuff yet, i taught maybee somone would help me by sending me some stuff to help me play.

Also i have 6 men in my town how do i change them for the men on horses please ?


all im asking is a little help please, you all have way more experiance than me


Im sorry i dont realy understand, i am active i am on nearly all day but i havent been able to build all my stuff yet, i taught maybee somone would help me by sending me some stuff to help me play.

Also i have 6 men in my town how do i change them for the men on horses please ?

Owen is right you have to do some reading.

P.S. I also do not have market yet, even though I'm more then twice bigger then you. No stress :cool:.


Hello Everyone

I am in the same team as Emelia but I am finding this game hard to play everyone else seems to be going so much faster than us? we seem to be doing something wrong.

Who wants to be our knight in shining armour and show us the way?

Me and the girls are now reading the "wiki", however I see can't see how to make get more resources. It's so confusing :(

Kelly xx


Do you play on this world owen ? If you do can you message me in the world please ?


Fusionator, If can't get this far. Then I think you're too young for this game!


im 18 and there was nowhere that asked my age ....... is it allowed to play under 21 ?


I think you can play the game from about 13 up, although I'm not sure if there is a definite limit. Ignore TomPrimus, he's being inconsiderate to the fact you're a new player.


Thank you Rising legacy, i am not trying to gain anymore than knowledge here, i think its great that players have a place like this to come and ask others about the game.

Your a doll :)


I am finding this kind of help in a game absolutely outstanding, the way someone like ourselves who need help can just ask and people want to come and offer help and advice.

I would like to offer my heart most thanks to all and everyone who have mailed the girls with the game to offer help, assistant and advice.

Kelly x


Ahh, dee gees
welcome to grepolis and specifically to Ocean 75
we Krazies have a thread devoted to you in our alliance chat. some like your profiles very much.
you started slow, but continue to grow :)
i hope that you coninue to play. its a fun game :)
youre getting advice from good people, but if you should need more advice, or any help in your neighborhood, give the krazies a call.
especially the players wolfhal, ilikepiepie2, anyplace, Bendis Dacia, or myself. if you'd like to chat with another girl, Bendis Dacia's the one for you. ;)
and, by the way, your uf chapter is lotsa fun :)


So im new to all this and could realy use some help, i never seem to have enough resouse to build things and its taking me ages to get my market, i realy want to get the market so i can buy stuff for my troops.

Is there anyone nice enough to send me some resourse please

thanks in advance

Lady fusionator

I'd be fascinated to hear about the things you hope to buy for them.