Newspaper Sparta War Statistics I


This is where I can tally up all conquers the Prophets and enemies of the Prophets have taken from eachother and see who is winning the war.

The Prophets vs. The Condemned
23 to 22
Very close, but the Prophets have conquered one more citiy than the Condemned.

The Prophets vs. The Dragons of Fire
0 to 13
The Dragons of Fire are currently crushing the Prophets.

The Prophets vs. Moirai
1 to 3
The Prophets 1 colonization doesn't really count though, for it was made by Scott-The-Erogeneous, who is now with the Condemned.

The Prophets vs. The Unforgiven
17 to 7
Not too bad here, as the Unforgiven have taken a few cities.

These are the only viable numbers right now, as the other wars haven't really completely opened up yet, but expect some of these wars to turn around in a little while.
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Err, this isn't correct. In the last 2 weeks we've taken 28 cities (14 each week) from Prophets (in their various guises). They may say that they are only loosely aligned, but we've seen support and attacks between them all so we count them as one alliance:)


Oh sorry, was only counting "The Prophets" (Not Chaos or The Apocalypse) and haven't really updated it lately. I'll do that right now.

Wait but Jiblet, you want me to add Chaos and The Apocalypse in there? Because if I do that, then the Prophets aren't winning any wars. LOL
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I'll also save you the last two weeks as we took 28 cities from them, they didn't manage to take a single one of ours;)