Speed 5 CQ


anyone interested there is a speed 5 CQ world dropping in ES, 8 hour sieges, world will probably be more competitive than this new EN world, anyone down for a challenge is invited to bring their team to drop


No. Fast servers are not economical, and Id rather not have to take my laptop with me every time I have to drop the kids off at the pool.
You should get plenty of takers though half the people that play have Attention Deficit Disorder and start chasing imaginary squirrels after about 3 months in.
EXCEPTION: Get them to remove the alarm feature from any server at any speed and ill drop in with you.

Reimu Hakurei

People will just use addons to have alarm and sleep with game on...
Even if they made it illegal, its not possible to detect because such script doesnt make any "clicks" or actions for the player


They could. Just stop sending the attack notice to phones without a refresh.
Could you write a script to constantly refresh your phone? Yes.
Would most people use that script? No.