
  • Thread starter Rush the Conqueror
  • Start date


Now we can talk about Princess Spiller's actions. Spiller only conquers inactives, ghost towns, and the towns of fellow active alliance members?

Inactives: Spiller has a knack for conquering inactive players cities and calling them a victory for Alpha. Well they have dried up and what does he turn to? Well he turns to running in the opposite direction conquering inactives from very small alliances tht one cant defend themselves and two well their inactive anyway. He has in the last couple of weeks conquered 18+(sorry it is not an exact number there were to many to count) about 14 from Alpha and Alpha Academy alone.

Ghost towns: Since the inactives have dried up he has turned to conquering ghost towns going the opposite way of where TU is. In the last day he has conquered 3 of them. The points of these cities ranged from 5000 to 6000. In the last couple of weeks he has conquered 16+ ghost towns.

Fellow Alliance Members: He has also conquered 5+ cities from his own alliance members? One recently from rorymclaughlin and another from doompaladin. These players are not inactive!!!

Why does Spiller not take cities from active TU you might ask, the answer is because he cant!!! In Alpha they must have 4 commandments:

1) Keep Spiller safe
2) Let Spiller take inactive cities and ghost towns
3) Let Spiller take cities from active players, if no inactives or ghost towns are available.
4) Keep Spiller safe!!!

Spiller commands tht he must have replacement cities for the ones he loses to TU. In just 2 days we took 8 cities from him and he couldnt do anything.


Don't forget commandent #5, *girly voice* Protect Spiller from PnP, and forum slander!

Also, make sure you wear Madame de la Rouge colored lipstick on fridays.
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A heads up... with this thread, you're treading close to flaming, so watch what you all say.


Unfortunately, most of what they say is true regarding Spiller's actions (perhaps not the commandments, but close enough); so if they ARE flaming Spiller, then he is practically flaming himself? Interesting thought.


Here are the exact conquest stats...............

Total: 51
Below 5 k: 15
Abandoned: 21
Internal A/AA conquest: 27

*Note some of the conquest may register in two of the counts i.e. the city may have been under 5k but also Abandoned*


Lol, when I sent out that MM, one person responded saying "Spiller says...." I don't even remember what he said but I laughed for 5 minutes straight wondering why he didn't just say it himself haha.


:eek: I didn't realise we had 4 comandmants. Please ask one of the disloyal noobs you snuck into our alliance to find them somewere and post them here. Also Spiller is male :/



I think that's where it became almost flaming. The... first..... line......

Interesting. Disloyal noobs who were snuck into your alliance. So why would they be disloyal, if sneaking them into your alliance imeant they were our players? Wouldn't that mean that they are loyal to who snuck them in. If it's us that would mean they are loyal because they are giving us commandments from your forum....... Perplexed...... O nope, nvm. I just got lied to again.
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Sorry you confused me there :p. But seriously there are no commandments.



Idk if we can take your word on tht one. Seeing is believing lol