Inactive Topic Spying - Report to be published alliance wide/pact wide.


Spying is tedious. It uses a lot of resources, and it can quickly clutter up threads in the forums very quickly.

This proposal is to create a system where spy reports are published to an alliance wide spy network.

For example, if I spent 1 million silver spying a player. let's say I send 50k to each city. That's 20 spy reports I'll have to paste in the forums.

Now after we spy him, and after attacks are sent, we'll continue to spy on those targets to check the status of their city until we land so we can figure out what to do.

With everyone posting these in the forums, or even if they have edit permissions to update the "latest Spy Report" on the person, it's going to get messy.


Create a new system for alliances called the Spy Network. In it, there will be a list (searchable) of every player the alliance has spied on, and you'll be able to see the spy reports on that player.

What this means if I spy CityA, that city, with the spy report are automatically available in the Spy Tool if the Alliance has it setup that way.

Alliances can opt to have spy reports Auto-Published where members can't turn it off.
Alliances can opt to have spy reports auto-published to leaders only. Members cannot turn this off.
Alliances can opt to have spy reports published only when the member wants the report published.

There will be an option to link to the "latest" successful spy report on every forum/message editor using a spyReportID. You wouldn't publish the spy report, you'd publish the Spy Tool's latest report. This means that any time someone spies that target, the latest report will be visible.

You can still publish the individual reports.

This is a quality of life adjustment, and one that will allow alliance members easier access to data.


I think this would be very beneficial, Gotta spread the Rep love


It's definitely an interesting idea. I'm pretty sure I support it.


A good idea, saves a lot of fuss, silver and harbor checks.


+ rep from me :)
A tickbox which has the option Share? at the bottom of all spy and attack reports goes into a fully customised "War-room" Which is like another forum where you can just view attacks, defenses and spy reports.
You can select which tab in the War-room your report goes into. So this means if you have a big OP going, you can more closely keep an eye on it.
Who likes this expansion?


I like the OP's idea, but I think it should be opt-in, not opt-out, and the player should always be able to opt out of sharing the report.

This is because every alliance has greedy hangers on who look out for good BP opportunities off the back of others, and will simply hang out around newly published reports and undermine any timing the spender or alliance has in mind for a surprise visit and take. To combat this, perhaps every published report should also auto-publish attacks which follow it, so we can see who is acting on them, and in who's interest.

Demon's warroom idea is more of an idea in itself, and I think it would take a lot of development, so unlikely, but worth making your own topic.


Great ideas! This would be awesome as some of the attacks my alliance planned fell because of lack of coordination.


While I like the general concept of this, it sort of diminishes some other aspects of the game, such as interacting with players and actually being active and contributing.
Kind of makes things too easy in my eyes. Maybe it's just me, but having this sort of general spying-overview does not seem like a natural addition to the game, also if you think wider as to how the spying process works (1 guy literally goes to an enemy town with a pile of silver to buy his way in and get some inside information) how would it be logical for this private information to instantly become public information?
Spying is a sort of discreet thing that a person should really be able to choose whether and where to share it.