Story of a Island


Once there was a island battle between me and myself a player wanting to join my alliance at the time.
The messsage read.....
from, Ragnoc on 4/13/11 at 1:48 pm:
Hello can plz join your allaince I SEE you reruiter

I said:
Well yes I am the recruiter but we want a application,but we aren't quite intrested in you.

I was thinking bad grammer, bad points, and then I saw a message.

from, Ragnoc on 4/13/11
Wat i am tha bets there is i lead my alliance in pints

I then replyed:
Uh I dont want to waste a invite on you your allinace is a three man.

I just was doing my own buisness then he replyed:
From, Ragnoc on 6/13/11
COM on man i want to be in your allance I got a good citty on your island

Dang it i was about to just conquer him there but then i thought I could get on his good side.
I then replyed:
Ok I heard one of my buddys i attacking you!I will stop him

Then another message came up:
from From ragnoc on 4/13/11
Oh no stop him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I had a plan to fool this noob out of his city nobody was attacking him it was mind games/

I replyed:
I cant he can't pull the troops back I will suppourt you

I then made my attack like it was the other ones he freaked I sent 45 hops and 65 slings he had no troops revolt started.

He replyed:
from ragnoc on 4/13/11
Wht happen what you do/

I shold have said I started a revolt on you and my first conquest is on the way!

I then replyed:
Oh I fooled you my alliance will get these points and thank you my cs ia about to land.

And then he replyed:
From Ragnoc on 4/14/11
You little *language i just wanted to join alliinace *language I hate you ash cause your a *language

I replyed:
whoa, no hard fellings I am jsut happy bout my city thank you

This was a while back

He joined Gea(Greek Empire Acadmey) and is doing fine but still curues badly I got 5 Victory processions off him after that to.And he can spell better now.

I thought you would like this story so +rep if you did like it.
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well at the end even he is playing and you are too.. Hope it comes to the day when you and him faceoff against each other again :p


Hmm, I remeber when I was new to Tu and my old Alliance, (who brought my wrath on themselves) was on my Island, I would farm my old founder and I kept destroying the wall of guy next to me. I haven't really played around with a vulnerable player since then but it's always fun haha.

Exspecially when they think your friends.


guys this guy went ghost hurry to the other room and dances


That is very interesting how most people get offended big time when their city is being attacked. I happen to enjoy all the treats, curses and plain arragance. But then you meet that little stinger of a bee that happens to own a 2k city and their whole grepolis purpose in life is to bolt you whenever possible. lol. that is what happened to me when I conquered this one mate, which in turn had a dencent city of about 8k and his only other city 2k. Boy he was threatenening me left and right. Anyways it is very interesting how certain people can make this as personal as it gets when thier city gets conquered.


Yes reminds me of a little story about how I conquered my sixth city in this world.
I saw this guy, DemonHylix or something like that.. And I wanted his 8k city.
So he asked me why I'm attacking him.
I told him I wanted his city, just like that, but he could make a deal with me.
I said:
If you send 200-300 slingers each day to a certain city, and I attack it, I will protect you for the attacks of other Alpha.
So I claimed all his cities, and Hamwise gave me permission.
I was still Alpha that time so you know..
After 2 days, the guy went inactive, I took his 8k city, and farmed his 2k and 4k cities!


its story of another island
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