Strategy? Not Really


This is more of a teamwork kinda game, not much of strategy , if you want more strategy, you can play warcraft, starcraft or so..... The only strategy in this game, is how well you know your opponents, what kind of army they're building? What kind of army is best against them. When you're at war, all your cities are at war, you have to concentrate your troops in the main battlefield and also have to be very sure that none of your cities are open to any attacks. There're fake attacks that consists of only suicide army, to split your army so that the city can be more easily to clear. The stronger you get, the harder the game will be, since you will have more cities, more army, the battles last longer, more millitary positions for you to secure or obtain.... This as i see, more strategy than you think
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Anyone who thinks this game does not have strategy has tons to learn. By running an alliance you learn lots more about this game. There are typical players that can handle running their cities fine and hide troops but that is a small part of this game in my eyes. Since running an alliance recently I've learned tons of strategy based on everything. Each authorization that can be given to player entails its own strategy for running an alliance, from the forums to the recruiting.

I would go into detail about what I know but to tell you the truth I don't care to make possible enemies smarter or give them an outlook into what my strategy would be should I ever find a group of leaders to help me run an alliance.


That's because you don't know anything related to the topic

I hate people who go on and on about how smart they are but say "I would go into detail about how super awesome I am but to tell you the truth I don't care to make possible enemies smarter or to give them an outlook into what my strategy would be should I ever find a group of leaders to help me run an alliance" You just got yourself a new potential enemy just by posting this.

Please, stop your stuck-up epicness and post properly. This forum is a place to learn, but if everyone were like you, this forum is going to die.


Strategy refers to a plan of action designed to achieve a particular goal. The word is of military origin, deriving from the Greek word strategos, which roughly translates as general.

In military usage strategy is distinct from tactics, which are concerned with the conduct of an engagement, while strategy is concerned with how different engagements are linked. How a battle is fought is a matter of tactics: the terms and conditions that it is fought on and whether it should be fought at all is a matter of strategy, which is part of the four levels of warfare: political goals or grand strategy, strategy, operations, and tactics.

That said, can someone explain how ANYONE can impliment strategy in this game. The only strategy I have seen displayed herin is what I have lovenly named "Smash & Bash". It has been explained to me, adnauseum, that it is SOP for most Alliances for the larger members to "clear out" the troops and defenses of a weaker player for their weaker player to take over. I submit that you can give any idiot a few thousand troops armed with ax handles to take a few hundred troops armed with musket loaders and see him the victor but what did that person learn? You have simply given your idiot a few thousand more troops with ax handles. Hence the term "Smash & Bash".

Methinks, if one were to use their more powerful members to keep others off their players back while he/she takes their own town, you end up with an Alliance of warriors that is stronger, player for player than the "Smah & Bash" crowd.

Your thoughts on this?

Conquest is totally about strategy, especially early game. You have to either offensive snipe, defensive snipe, stack, or kill the CS once it is entrenched in the harbour. Revolt definitely is more "Smash and Bash," although there is still strategy, mainly in the planning of OP's and overall big picture instead of individual city takes.

As for big player clearing for small players, this tactic is very good if the small player is active. Why waste a larger active players time if the small player is going to go inactive a week later??