Strike Force


Hi people I just started a new alliance about 2 days ago and its called "Strike Force" We are located in ocean 73 only so if your just starting and happen to be in that ocean message me or our recruiter. We currently have 13 members and are going strong ranked 6th in our ocean. Also for all my alliance to talk here to make it easier.


kinda screwed

hey hows everybody doin! im not sure of everyone elses situation but on me and divandivans island we have several high ranking people from a alliance called NATO. they have already attacked him once(focsani) and all 3 of them are the same level or high than the 2 of us. so we might need your support in the future. i of course will return the favor



hey hows everybody doin! im not sure of everyone elses situation but on me and divandivans island we have several high ranking people from a alliance called NATO. they have already attacked him once(focsani) and all 3 of them are the same level or high than the 2 of us. so we might need your support in the future. i of course will return the favor

Don't you love those posts :D

My friend you need to click on Alliance Forum and there write this ;)