Subscription based game for fair play


Grepolis should be subscription based rather than gold based. I mean currently players who has no matter how much money, just killing the game. It should be played for fun using your available time and skill to win. Most players not even have a chance.. I recently started the latest world, and wth with those player rankings.. When a player like Del2 revolted one of my city this morning, i felt like is better just to quit because he has way more cash to spend on this game than i would ever do. I wouldnt spend a cent golding up buildings, armies because then where the fun is? The advantage players like he has over others just makes me feel (and i think, im not the only one) aftet the first few days from a world started,that this will be a waste of time, because no matter how much effort you will put into your game, other players whos armies build from money, will kill the whole thing...

Subscription based grepo i think would work for everyone..

Basic subscription like half annual / annual and longer, then you can play the game.
or simply step into the world and after some time if you like you must subscribe to continue or buy yourself into a world that has opened and you want to play..

Premium subscription. You can purchase gold to get the advisors, extra inventory, recovering injured heroes, speed up they arrival to the city, auto farming etc. but not to build faster anything or buy units in any situation or gold for anyting which affecting fair play.

Yeah its a radical change, but at this stage playing this game is ridicoulus too..

And yeah probably golders keep up the development, and maybe they just generating revenue this way too much compared to what i suggest and even with price changing for advisors etc it would be still a no deal for innogames, but then i suggest to myself and for most of the players to forget about this game because its stupid. A normal player want competition and how deep is a player pocket cannot be a factor since its about who play it better. Using money is basically cheating too and its not player friendly.

Or open worlds where purchasing armies, buildings etc. are not available, then we can play a game. Because i still have 3.5 k gold for advisors but i would request a refund instead and buy few beer from it, that would worth more than continue watching this nonsense..