Important The Cheeky Little Feedback Thread


You are a joke Pushty. Gonna delete this as well? I guess you are on of those that does not believe in free speech. Pathetic.


What? First off, where did that come from? Second, whatever it was to it was too far. Due to the fact that Pushty runs the debate section, he would probably believe in freedom of speech. If he deleted something said by you or someone else, it was because it was against forum rules, etc.


I'm not going to argue with him, because there is no argument to be made.

Forum Rules
"If it's something a moderator feels is inappropriate, it will be edited."

They're not up for discussion and whether you agree with them or not is irrelevant, as you are bound to them by using this forum. It's as simple as that.

Now, get back to the topic or get out of the thread.


Of course there can be no argument when a little person just deletes everything that has them look bad, or wrong in any way. Go ahead and ban me...

My dog is brown, my dog bark loud, my dog run fast....Good enough for the intellectual level you want to keep this at Pushty?



Cant say that's dead yet, there are 4 major alliances battling and waiting for ww, the rest of the world outside those 4 alliances is mostly dead, with the exception of a handful of active players from other minor alliances. If you are any part of the 4 major ones the world is more active than you can imagine ;)


Hey chopper I know what your saying about 4 top alliances but there is at least one small Alliance still having fun :)


Nice thread.....too bad there isn't one where we can actually say our disgust with the mods of this game both in the forum and the support.