Funny the way things are turning out
always does when other alliances initiate wars with us ... they start them ... we finish them ...
Funny the way things are turning out
LoL Leah! The Myrmidon is enough for us, we are afraid of Krypteia, we will do alliance and want to play sim city. Will not build any wonder, will send all our briemes to Krypteia WW Islands, help Krypteia defeat everyone else in this server... *shaking in my boots*...
Jokes apart - what I have heard and the players whom I know inside Krypteia from Epsilon, are very good. I have played earlier with ur one of the founders, one of ur player were no. 1 in Epsilon from long time. We have absolute respect for Krypteia what they achieved in this server. It will be fun when our front-line will clash. We will have good number of possibilities and options then
At the moment, we just want to make sure The Myrmidon's failure go smooth and we will try to make it painless and quick for them. I know TM is pacted with Krypt though, hopefully people will have control over their adrenalin before both Krypt and UKS have a good frontline....
You really need to explain that to me...He clearly states he can't wait for a war with Krypteia...So why would he be a fanboy? I can't follow you theretl;dr.... Krypteia fanboi
You really need to explain that to me...He clearly states he can't wait for a war with Krypteia...So why would he be a fanboy? I can't follow you there
Just cause you fail, look at the sarcasm, and these fanboi lines please... use google translate if you need it.
the players whom I know inside Krypteia from Epsilon, are very good
We have absolute respect for Krypteia
fanboi after fanboi, ask if they will invite you they seem to take anyone with points
Whoa! I didnt knew Gela forum went this silent....Come on, this is a ballsy war - where 2 matched alliances are finally at war unlike big eating small and other stuff which was complained by many on the Gela Sea??? and only 2 reply!!! Ah! I miss my old forum days
There are 2 real ballsy wars going on in this World with matched alliance strength, Gela's power ranks will definitely shift at the end of these long huge wars -
1. Krypteia VS Ocean Veterans.
2. The Ultimate Kill Squad VS The Myrmidon.
I dont see anyone from The Myrmidon on the forum, I guess, time to send them a mass mail to invite them here -I miss the war of Ego on the forum though while our oceans are burning -