Pnp The fall of the evil (TEMPLAR ASCENSION) Empire


Once upon a time in Gela, around the year 2012 AD, 1 princess named Perrin Al Thor, decided to become the queen of the great Templar Ascension kingdom, that was so000 great that the name must be written in bold always - TEMPLAR ASCENSION. Now while she was running towards the queen's chamber with her big fat gowns, she met another high princess named BAZZA2441 - Now they started arguing who will be the queen of TEMPLAR kingdom. After a long and tiring argument, they decided that they would ask a wise man which of them was the most beautiful and whomever he chose would be Queen. Princess Perrin Al Thor said they would ask king Dignified White Trash as he was the wisest of men, plus 'Perrin al thor' loved 'Dignified White Trash' and dreamed of marrying him one day.

'Dignified White Trash' was a hunter who spent endless hours with his friends hunting and killing anything that moved. It was in the woods hunting that the 2 high princess found him, they explained the case and asked Dignified White Trash which he thought was the most beautiful and should sit as Queen. Dignified White Trash paused for a moment, then he looked at all 3 of them and with a smile on his face he pointed down at his faithful hunting dog and said she should be Queen.

The 2 princesses were outraged and quickly headed back to their kingdom full of hateful rage. They decided to wage war on Dignified White Trash and his Ultimate Kill Squad, they were so blinded by their anger they failed to see winning this war was not possible. They after all were princesses not warriors, their people were dress makers and bakers they could not stand against a warrior tribe, especially one as elite as The Ultimate Kill Squad.

Dignified White Trash was a battle hardened leader who had fought many wars in lands far away as a younger man.

His officers were a mix of some of the greatest warriors in the world and horrid blood trusty monsters. His second in command indycoltsfan711 was a skilled military leader who had the reactions, speed and deadly strike of a wild lion.

Craig81 was a wise and respected man who carried a large axe, it was almost bigger than even himself. Legend has it that he could kill 100 men with one swing of his axe.

xxLUCIDxx UKS's ambassador, it was his job to take care of foreign affairs. Due to all the traveling he done he was often ambushed by the enemy. Though LUCID was a brave warrior and fought regardless of how outnumbered he was.

DarthEzi was a beast from the under world who sat at the right hand of Hades. He was sent to watch over Dignified White Trash in return for Dignified White Trash once sparing Hades in battle.

Qmelox was an old and wise warrior some say he is as old as the world itself others say the gods built the world for him.

stealing your city - a monster who killed men by the thousands and built his kingdom from the skulls of his victoms.

The rawr, dark overlord of the κόλαση φατριών μάτια aka Hell eyes clan, if eyes are truly the windows to the soul then these must be tortured souls. It is said that one look into their eyes is enough to turn a man's hair white.

And lastly LiquidCourage88, an elite warrior from the east, who join The UKS to unite the eastern alliances.

Despite facing the most feared army in all the world the princesses sent their commanders out to pick the strongest looking slaves from the field to build an army.

They demanded that the army set sail the next day, their commanders pleaded with them for more time to prepare. They explained to the pricesses that the troops would not be ready for such a task. Still blinded by their rage the princesses discarded their advice and told them to attack. The next day the small group of TEMPLER's slaves readied themselves and their ships and soon set sail across the ocean.

Before long they reach a cold, spooky ocean, the air become icy and their ship surrounded by fog. A fog so thick they could hardly see their hands in front of their face.

They landed on a dark cold island, almost stiff from the cold and fear they marched on to the cities of The Ultimate Kill Squad. The merciful cries of the dead who had crossed these lines before them echoed in the air.

As the reached the top of the hill the fog began to clear, and across the battle field they got their first look at their enemy. They shook with fear as the gazed at the might of The Ultimate Kill Squad -

TEMPLAR's slave army were crush under the feet of The Ultimate Kill Squad, all killed where they stood, all but one. The UKS spared one slave, they told him to return to TEMPLAR and to inform the princesses that they were coming. When the slave returned and informed his rulers they simply laughed it off. No army has ever dared invade us they though, how wrong they would soon learn to be............
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more to come soon... (UPDATE CAME as of 1st Jan, 2013)

Check out POST #12 for the second version of this story -
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Hehe SingleSS! this is all about the game and Egos man! I guess, u also have the answer that u asked in the other thread about who is Perrin isn't it???

If u read the whole long thing at least once, thats a great success fr me, haha... ;) Have fun all..>War STATs will come soon


What's doing, can we get an update please from either side.


Stats show the war has started, and current standing is TEMPLARS has lost 5 cities, and taken 1


Wow 110 members v 23. yet the cities lost go the other way. Must be that great leadership of PAT lolling the UKS's into a false sense of superiority.

guess we'll find out after the peace break.

Disclaimer " Number of members was found on Grepostats and author takes no responsibility as for there accuracy " ;)


The Ultimate Kill Squad's answers to TEMPLAR's attacks.

Soon The Ultimate Kill Squad had put a plan of attack in place, and assembled their forces. Before crossing Ocean 51 they decided to safeguard their own fronts, so they conquered many cities in oceans 51. These strategic positions would both act as a buffer zone to their 51 strong hold and prove to be a useful base from which to launch attacks on the TEMPLAR empire.

One cold December morning the 2 princesses sat in the balcony of their palace enjoying the warmth of the fireplace. They were completely unaware that just a few miles away The Ultimate Kill Squad were preparing to attack. UKS readied their men and within moments hundreds of ships carrying tens of thousands of troops set sail for the evil TEMPLAR kingdom.

After an initial victory against TEMPLAR's most south-west cities in ocean 51, The Ultimate Kill Squad members in ocean 51 launched against TEMPLAR's western front. UKS ships charged at the west cost of TEMPLAR crushing anything that got in their why.

They landed without much resistance and mount their armies outside of TEMPLAR's cities. As night fell the troops smashed threw the city gates and chopped down the forest of TEMPLAR slaves forced to fight by their cruel and selfish masters.

From the middle of their strong hold in ocean 61 TEMPLAR princesses could see the flames from their cities light up the southern and western sky's.

Now the TEMPLAR council believe this war was beyond them and some of their top members went into hiding, telling their troops they were leaving for vacation but never returned. In a desperate attempt to gain more support perrin al thor sent his lowest ranked troops to the public with stories of how The Ultimate Kill Squad were evil and how they attacked TEMPLARs without reason. They tried to scare others into helping them by telling them if TEMPLARs fell they could be next. However The Ultimate Kill Squad were well respected and viewed as an honourable alliance so this sneaky underhanded tactic failed to some extend but the unfortunate Greek Empire fell for it and getting destroyed now.

All that TEMPLAR could do now was sit and wait for The Ultimate Kill Squad to pick them off city by city. Each of them praying their brother would be next rather than have to feel the force of The Ultimate Kill Squad themselves. They dare not attack The Ultimate Kill Squad for fear it would draw attention to them. The writing was now on the wall, there was no hope for the evil TEMPLAR empire...................

(Coming really soon, chapter 3 "The fall of TEMPLARS")


A quick update TEMPLARS has lost 11 cities now and still only been able to take 1.


Liked it better than first chapter ;) Looking forward to Chapter 3


TEMPLAR ASCENSION are running from you guys, right into our arms :)

We found a CS of theirs in our northern area, so, decided to kill it, their leader decided to send a message to one of our members and was quite rude.

perrin al thor today at 12:11
you just attacked one of my players this will not happen again-p.t.

xspires1 today at 14:26
You do not give me orders.

perrin al thor today at 18:53
i know thats why im going t show you thanks for your time-p.t.

xspires1 today at 18:56
OOOOO i am scared. (I remember when you said that to me). I am sure it means as much to you as it did to me that time. Oh and BTW, better put your big girl panties on.


I don't know colorado, he didn't have his caps on :p i'd say that was pretty civil for our PAT.

C'mon PAT please get into the spirit of things and reply on this thread. It's meant as some lighthearted banter between the two alliances.

You know you want to :cool:

and i believe the score at last count was 18 -zip as the lost city had been recovered by UKS.


it is currently 20 - 0 I would have to say TEMPLARS is getting whipped.


As we told earlier, we caught one princess named Bazza in the forest while she was running away with her gowns. No one can run away fast with the gowns, so UKS army easily caught her and bring her to UKS leaders! We spared her life and told her to never showed her face in this server -

She went to the other princess Perrin Al Thor, who was sitting and warming herself with the fire of her own empire's cities which were burning but was into some kinda obsession that TEMPLARs are winning. Princess Bazza told Princess Perrin Al thor, that UKS spared her and told her to quit from the server. Princess Perrin laughed loudly and told in CAPS LOCKS on in her stingy keyborad that "Those stupid UKS are running like a rat, we already killed half of their troops and CS, those conquests that they made are only for our inactives or they were just lucky.So Bazza should stay and wait for a Gang R*** that gonna happen on her capital palace. But Princess Bazza just quit. Now its Perrin Al thor, all alone, living in her virtual world where TEMPLARs are kicking UKS... :p :p

As Princess Perrin cant comment here - I make a comment here on behalf of herself as well...

Perrin Al Thor said:

Dignified White Trash said:
Whoa! can someone with good heart, please give a call to the mental asylum, she needs special attention


25-1 oh! we took that city back...25-0
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