The longest running joke in Omicron!


Hey Zoddy. Instead of whining here why don't you show that in the game by actually taking a frontline city. stop wasting our time.


How old are you? Don't ask stupid questions you know will never be answered. Blah Blah Blah is a perfectly good answer to the idiotic postings of Evo players. If you do not like it then tough!


So the Evo players are posting idioticly?
How come every Alpha, except for you, has left the external forums after we proved them we are the better alliance?
And even you just returned, and doubled the rate of idiotic posts on the forums in just 2 days.

Who's the idiot now, you or a player like Murt?
Seriously Zodd, you're a big joke and a lousy player. You won't win by playing simcity here.


Warms, you cannot drive frustration out of me with your silly rants and insults. Who is the idiot? The one who says the posts are idiotic or the one who calls someone an idiot. That's the difference between you and me. You call people names where as I am pointing out the postings made are idiotic. Like I have said before, if your not playing the game what are you doing here. Buzz off and go play another game elsewhere or get back in to it and lets spar! But for the love of god, s h u t u p please.


How come every Alpha, except for you, has left the external forums after we proved them we are the better alliance?

We didnt left the external forum but you kicked from the game cause youre a cheater :D


zod i belive you are the only one ho is stupid around here
i have 28 years old but i think you dont have more then 12
and dont worry you can enoy me whit this stupid answers you just show how your intelect works
dont aswer this because we all know what you have to say
and the people are sick of your stupid bla bla bla


I'm glad I am affecting you with blah blah blah. that's funny! It's also funny how your alliances tactics of over bloating facts and swaying others to join you guys and then you just use them and toss them aside. What does that say about people who do that. Evil, twisted and just down right nasty. I think your just mad that your tactics do not work on me so you resort to brutality and become uncontrollable with your name calling and vicious attitudes. You guys are great humans!

And don't worry about my age. I will always be more mature than all of you put together. The more you toss conjecture and lies in the vicious way you do, everyone reading these posts will see you for what you are; a bad by-product of this game. You all should be ashamed of yourselves.


I just had a brilliant couple paragraphs typed out (for you Thetans, I pulled a major Kassandra), but lost it due to my internet so I will just say some players on these forums are pathetic, conceited (without basis), immature, and not nearly as witty as they would assume they are. All this coming form a high schooler.


Look I am in high school as well and one zodd warms is playing 2nd zodd I love how u always come on here make a commotion and then turtle your cities tht are even close to us I mean 3500 bir plus about 20000 soldiers really? I know they are not yours and what about your attacks I send support to someone and then look at the reports tht come back and they say u have gained 3 battle points or 4 maybe are u really that low on troops? I think everyone wants to know.


Maybe that's why we get along so well. Anyway, on most servers people see what zodd does as a viable strategy, I don't see what Evo's problem with what zodd does is. It makes enough sense and gets him BP, we can all see that from his DBP. Yes, it may not be the most valiant or glorious way to play the game, but everyone does have there own style.

So worms, want to tell us all what account you are trying to ruin now or are you going to hide behind it? (you can play, you just have a history of being detrimental to every account you come into contact to, not trying to bash, defiantly trying to pry :p)


I just think its funny how a player can answer more than one post with "blah blah blah blah" and then talk down to other players for not been mature. That would be like me complaining about a player been cocky, I'll never get tried of telling you, your a joke Zodd. The best part is you keep proving it :D

@ Mosert: Sending transport boats full of troops with no ls doesn't gain you BP mate it gives free ones to your enemy, just fyi ;)


You just shattered my whole strategy whatever will I do!!! I was planning on taking your city with my transports full of cats!!


isnt this about time Alpha start hiding behind their so called allies DF??? Oh wait... you already have!!!


Mosert, didn't anybody ever teach you not to attack out of anger or as a quick unthoughtful reaction? I bet I have a much better plan than you mate :)


hiding behind... Funny how you can hide in plane sight while the person you are hiding from punches you in the face. Hide no. they take most of the evo cities, yes. As for your comment you said "you," I take it you are talking to me personally. Never. I fight my own battles. I have called for support twice ever and those times where when I had four revolts on me and many in-comings and right after when I had no troops left. Now if you are talking about Alpha as a whole, I can't talk. I am not a leader nor decision maker. I play to have fun and like to talk on the forums.

I find it comical how you say so called allies. if you check your conquests and got all of the reports from the losses on the DF Alpha front you would find that the alliances worked together on the conquests.\

@ murty, I am sure you do. That wasn't out of anger. I like to retaliate and I didn't attack with any defensive units so I should be good with those.

P.S. I missed you greatly, reminiscing about old Delta times and all that jazz. Although Rush is the guy I really like to talk to. :p
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