The New War


So seems like a new war has started...

and i can safely say, no mods will be harmed or accused during this one.

So... it is now Yin and yang vs Bees, caustic Soda, Hammerhead, Sharks and Great White (These are working together i think)

So far not too many loses ATM, not a real war till after WWs are finished, and maybe most will be gone after that.... so maybe not a war at all loool.

And yes i will be poking the bee hive and opening cans of soda soon :p hoping to get stung or burnt

Anyone want to add anything? lol


Once again HF Girl is on the side with the most numbers :D well played, you have followed your idol well :)


Sharks are at war with Sindar too (at least were until a few days before) so on paper strength is roughly equal.


not really equal lol but loving it, just wait for WW to finish and once again we'll prevail ... without the help of mods lol

Oh and add Black Ships to their crew


where's erik when you want him to comment on something.... he is like buses.... when you don't want him, he is there and when you want him.... nowhere....

lets stir the honey pot... Bee's have been playing the field, very well i must say, only fighting on one side, too scared to go all out war on multi fronts.

Any bees want to comment?


What makes you think I need Erik to post anything?

As for the rest-I like a crazy musket who was about to quit unable to handle the heat talking about a multi front war:d
Do I need to remind you to read once again the mm of Tim already disclosed sent at the start of May?:d


lool i tried quitting 3 times, all 3 nothing to do with you bunch, but i like how you say that.... and brakes are gone lol but hey ho.

No i dont remember MM's tbh, havent got the brain capacity to remember loads of MM's, with the amount of MM brakes musks and now HunnyBear send lol

but tea... how have you turned this into an argument? ive not been arguing with you... you are not relevant to me so i dont need to argue with you, this is about Bees snaking through the world, they do have a great Diplo... Bowzers did well... but proves they can only fight 1 war at a time lol


Please read once again your own post-a part was for me.
I don't care for bees and it is not a secret I do not get along with bowzers .
But you are worse not better lol


what part was for you? lol

and TBH, i don't know who you are in game, so...
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I am Hell House.
Official diplomat of NB,guess it makes sense when I said part was for me.


oooh yeah i didnt mention you, i said bees have a great diplo bowzers did well.... didnt mention NB in this post, they are gone and buried stop trying to relight your fire lol


Relight our fire?Name represent current mental situation I suppose:D
Do read once again your posts.See if you made a hint about NB(or it's players).


what else is the name going to represent? my crazy grepolis skills???

and no i replied to your comment, but anyways you're like a fart in the wind, long gone and not missed... so smell you later


Who would miss the one who crushed your bones;)
You said you were 3 times on the verge of quitting,right?
Not surprised from your rudeness-it is the average level of muskets culture.
I do remember your city name though;)
Kinda strong fart you tried to be:D


i'm not rude, and no not on the verge, i was in the middle of quitting, spies and gold abusers destroyed the world (and grepolis).

And yeah i lost a city 6hours away from my core... no biggie... after all i helped support others and let a city go, i didnt mind sacrificing a city to help friends, i've done that a lot and will continue to not be selfish.

And now you're boring time to move on, You lost this world, you blamed mods haha just knew you was starting to lose far more cities than you could take so made up a stupid story about mods funny people you are, cannot admit defeat so you ghost or leave.... even started a petition... the most rubbish i've ever heard, made you all look even more stupid.

that did give us a good laugh in our skype room, anyway back to boring annoying WWs, wont reply here so RIP NB lol


Pretty good topic here. I haven't played in the externals in a bit so here goes. "Life is like a box of chocolates" LOL, Just kidding, won't be using any forest gump references today. This is a new war technically, but I believe it was planned long long ago by some of the other alliances. When NB's was here, they were a VERY strong opponent. I'm positive they were the best attacking alliance in this world. Their ability and talent was unmatched 1 on 1. So to counter this we made a coalition. We were then able to turn the tides of that war and the rest is history. During that period of time though is when alot of what is happening now was planned. It's no secret that the musks and NB's were mostly all 1 alliance in abdera and we were a tuff crew to handle. We proved that by winning both all our wars and a clean sweep of all 7 wonders. So together as Eviction Notice we were unbeatable. Flat out. Of course when we came to this world and were 2 seperate alliances fueding with each other, it would cause alot of interest from all the other alliances that have battled EN in previous worlds. This was the 1st world in a long time where a pure juggernaut alliance did not exsist. So, that being said, since NB's was clearly the biggest threat, it was easy to form a coalition against them. They ended up leaving this world for reasons of their own. That left only one half of what was in previous worlds "Eviction Notice". Of course the Bees and everyone else are gonna chose to war us. We are all that is left of the alliance they have wanted to destroy since it formed years ago. Of course not all of us are former EN players, but enough are. So, I honestly think that from the beginning, the rest of the world viewed this scenareo as their best shot at getting some revenge against a foe they have wanted to defeat for years. All the city swapping that was done, all the pacts and naps and coalitions, all of it was part of the grand scheme to get exactly where we are now. So, although the war is new, it is also very old. So I have no trouble understanding why we are where we are now.

To add to this, the Bloods also built the wonders with us in abdera and were a big part of our win there. This caused some bad blood between them and some of the alliances that are here now too. So that is another lil morsel that adds to the reasons the other alliances chose to war us during wonders. It all makes perfect sense really.
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