Newspaper The Rho Reporter Interview


The Rho Reporter

Here is one of the final requests of interviews, 2 remain left to review. But for now, lets review what we got so far.


1-If you were leader of Avalanche, how would you make the alliance stronger?

2-Which area of the oceans in RHO, has more cities then any other ocean?

3-If you had a choice between power or friends in this world, which would you choose?

4-Who do you think is the strongest player in RHO?And Why?

5-If you can become the number 1 master of the world, what would you do?

6-Rho is one of the most known worlds, would you agree?

7-In your opinion, who is the most BP hungriest player in RHO?

Final Question-Have you had fun playing RHO?

Stopies answers- Stopie today at 22:58
1. To make a strong alliance, you must have an active alliance. To have an active alliance, you must have a fun alliance. If your alliance is coordinating attacks and helping each other, chances are better that players will log on more often and be more involved in game play. It's always fun to see how your attacks did, how much support is coming in, how your defenses held. If there is no cooperation from other players, then there's not much to check in on and players log on once a day to build. Teamwork makes a strong alliance.

2. I'm not sure what you mean here. The core is where it all started. O44-45 O54-55. The big wars were fought here. EN, Rhobust, Virus. But most of those players have left. Lots of ghost cities shrinking away.

3. Friends. Power is an illusion. Friends are real.

4. I don't think there is a strongest player. Anyone with more than 100 cities can single handed wipe out any other player. That makes one pretty strong.

5. Find me a good Number 2. That's too much work for 1 person.

6. Don't know. I was excited to play it because of the new and improved 2.0

7. Again, don't know. I know there's a race for the most cities. I bet that takes a lot of BP.

Final: Yes it was fun. I had a great time ruling the oceans with Eviction Notice. I was there in the beginning. 16 months ago. We grew and conquered. Built ALL the wonders. There was nothing more to accomplish, so en mass, they left to play a champion world. If the game is not fun, then why play?

Here are her final accounts. The next 2 will be done soon. After these two, action news will post another overview about the war. In till next time Grepolis.