The Rho Reporter Story


The Rho Reporter Story

The wind blew at the mens faces. There ships silently moved toward the enemy city. Their leader had the biggest ship of all, behind all the battle ships. The king was a different man...he was nearly a ghost to others. When he walked, it seemed he glided toward you. He never talked much, when he did it was in his native language. But the one thing that they feared about him was his way of destruction. His mortal enemy was known by the name of ,amyklae of laconia. So to finish him off, he sent his army toward his new city of Magister. As we neared the city, fire blazed in the city...leaving only one explanation; amyklae of laconia murdered his own city. As we landed, the surivors had only one clue to where he went: Near the isle of the blesst. A place where amyklae of laconia had cities planned together. Knowing this, TCC knew they had to travel through the treacherous seas of ocean 52...

Please keep in mind that this story is FICTIONAL, they never happened. These stories are based on Bias, Unbias and truth and lies.

The story is what could be finished as of now...the rest of it is being completed. It is a 13 story part. This is only a peice of what is to be of the first story.

Newsflash- The story of part one will be posted Friday of the 14.
-The Rho Reporter action news will be posted Friday 21.
-The Rho Reporter will realese a new edition of adventures.

Yours truly, Killer of hell.