Newspaper The Slander Volume III DEATH OF CORINTH???



Socrates officially is out of cities. For those of you who are curious he won the lottery and bought an Island that does not yet have Internet access. He spends his time with a mix of Brazilian and Swedish models. Currently he is planning on starting a paid professional grepolis team of which the top 10 will be able to reside on his island.


As the new world of Hyperborea opens we fear our foes TVG and TA will be drawn away from Corinth. The new world features non Conquers except of ghost towns. What a nice fluffy world it sounds almost too good to be true.


TVG seems to have more arms than that Indian god with the elephant hand. If they keep using all there arms to hold hands with they have any arms left to fight. Will everyone just agree to disagree peacefully. You know i hear there is a cool game where you make your own rollercoaster rides and everything. Maybe we can all play that one next or ooh maybe we all just join farmville I hear its excellent.


I had the pleasure of two good interviews and one interview with a doorknob. I did a little chasing here and there. XXXIII turned down the shot interview but i thing they have been crumbling and fading for quite sometime. Given their Anti PB rhetoric while smoking the peace pipe with all of their neighbors, it may be matter of time before they join the lumbering giant known as TVG.

First up is Aeryn Lox, a warrior from Legion of Achilles. I recently received a very warm welcome when I entered their territory so it was good to see how they think over there.

Snoop: Just to get started lets get a little grepo backrground on yourself. How many world have you played and what other alliances have you been in since joining Corinth if any?

Aeryn: There was an alliance I created with some RL friends, which was caught betweeen PB and Proto and didn't last long. After being rimmed, I joined The Enlightened and then followed them to APE. When APE broke up, I went to Response Error. I left RE for LoAR, and I'm still there today.

Snoop: Seems you have been on a world tour, and being that you have been rimmed and continued on is impressive it shows you have a lot of heart. Tell me do you generally take inactives and ghosts like TVG or do you seek blood from live prey?

Aeryn: I had to look at my own GrepoStats for this one. Apparently I take lots of cites from alliance mates who have gone inactive. I prefer taking cities from active players because it's fun when they resist, but I also think it's important to keep cities "in the family," as it were.

Snoop: Good point, often its a necessary evil. Could you give your opinion first on your order of the Top 5 Alliances as far as skill and then tell me the top 5 most likely to complete the WW?

Aeryn: Ranking as follows:

1. TVG I don't like the way they play the game. They pact with everyone and accept everyone, which locks the game down. Pretty much everyone in Corinth is either part of them or pacted with them. I hate this tactic. But, when it comes down to it, IT WORKS. They are first because of this, not because of their skill in battle. I don't like them, but I respect them. WW odds are good if they can hold all of their pacts together.

2. The Association I don't know much about them because they're too far south for me to have had any contact. They seem to be more aggressive than TVG, but their success against PB is debatable.

3. Permanent Ban At its best, it was the best. I've been watching them slowly slide as players leave. Now that they can't massacre people as easily as when they had a wider head start, I'm guessing people are getting bored and leaving. This is another area where TVG's tactics have really hit home. PB only knows how to fight one kind of war, and I think that's their weakness. I think that by the time WW get here, they'll be too weak to defend one.

4. LoA Reborn The best, obviously.

5. The Unknown They are exactly that, the Unknown. Like TA, they're too far away for me to really pay attention.

Snoop: Hm your #3 intrigues me as you seem to think they would be weak defenders yet the have snoopwins the top defender and soon to be top ranked fighter in all of corinth.
Hmm my other Interview is with Adasko from Dzikie hordie. He seems to think that he and his alliance are the best pound for pound?
Do you think he is far off in this assumption?

Aeryn: You are an excellent player, but single players burn out and move on. A great alliance needs to have so many good players that it's not a big deal when someone leaves and they need to attract good players from other alliances. PB has made too many enemies to attract people from other alliances. I know a lot of good players who say, "Anywhere but PB."
With regard to Dzikie Hordy, a cursory glance shows me two players who are good, but neither of them is spectacular. My own alliance has at least 5 players who are as good or better than either of those two, and PB has more. Besides, I can't pronounce the name and have no idea what it means, so they're failing to inspire fear in me that way. :)

Snoop: Im not sure what it is either but in any case i would advise you not to touch his Dzikie Hordy like their alliance page says lol.

Furthermore im not nearly as good as my stats suggest its just the fact that I basically only fight TVG and TA who are like wet kittens. Lots of other good players in PB only 5in O56 holding down o56 quite well. I must say I agree with the fact much of the world has in the F%*# PB mindset. Partly due to PB's philosophy and partly due to whiners convincing others we need to team up and hold hands.
I have been thinking of changing our alliance Profile pic to ponies dancing on rainbows with glitter and stars shooting out. The other two things I was debating was having weekly carnivals with rides, games, and prizes or doing a kumbaya drum cirlce while holding hands and exchanging vows of peace.
Do you think this will improve PBs negative public image?

Aeryn: If you really want to change your image, make a pact with one of the top ten alliances against TVG. You have always played as PB against the world, so the world has teamed up against you. If you start painting TVG as the enemy, they will crumble under pressure.
You and I both know you'd just be using whoever you pact with as a smokescreen, but they don't have to know that. ;) Pacts are a way to use other alliances to help you without the bother of dealing with all of the noobs in them. I also hate rainbows, kumbaya, and above all, I hate holding hands.

Snoop: lmao ok you answer doesnt disappoint. Is there anything else you would like to add to close out what has been a great interview.

Aeryn: No, I have nothing to add. I look forward to the comments of everyone who disagrees with me. :)

Next up I had the chance to speak to Adasko. He is both brave and belligerent. He seems to enjoy making others suffer and cower. After a little persuasion and convincing he never actually agreed to an interview but gave one anyway. Thanks Adasko.

Snoop: I found it interesting that according to your alliance page you have taken cities from lots of bigger alliances yet lost none? Is this true?

Adasko: yes but we talking about only official war

Snoop: Can you tell me what alliance you have warred with is the weakest? and what alliance you warred with was the strongest?

Adasko: Of course, I'll tell you what I suspect :p
weak alliances :
The Varangian Guard - its a massive alliance, i check stats and they conquer cities only from TVG or ghost
next i think Permanent Ban now is a weak, maybe they have too many wars, I dont know.
stronger alliance:
now i dont know maybe The Association, LoA Reborn i dont know i must fight with all and then I will have opinions
Polish Legions - its strong alliance but now they dont play and finished the game

Snoop: So how are you actively recruiting or are you happy with the current size of you alliance?

Adasko: No, I think good alliance must have around 20 players.

Snoop: Access has already joined the conglomeration and its only a matter of time and settling differences before TVG and TA merge.
Lean and mean can be a good strategy for fighting but do you think you will be able to build wonders before all the handholding groups such as TA, Unknown, and TVG?

Adasko: i dont build wonders :) in this alliance

Snoop: so does that mean your here just to kick *$$ and take names?

Adasko: too many people only defend here, in Polish server there is more aggressors

Snoop: Ah Polska Sila. Do you have alot of players attacking you, or are they too scared and injureded from your attacks?

Adasko: i think many players afraid me and dont attack

Snoop: So is there anything else you would like to tell the world of Corinth. Any warnings, threats, promises, or messages of peace.

Adasko: hahaha only " nie ma lipy " Polish power:) and you know hardkorowy koksu:)
i can tell all here it :) its a strategy game and i must attack other player and other player must attack other :) its only fun but all needs BP


Who is he anyway?

So you mean you haven't heard about my many achievements? :p

Nah, I just visit Corinth from time-to-time to see how things are, say hi to some old allies, I stopped playing in Corinth a while ago
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So?? I might as well, doesnt mean i dont have other cities ;)


If you have a 175 pt. city and play actively I pity you...