As Oricos comes to a close tomorrow after a year, I thought I’d just round it up with a post detailing how it happened.
Opening on June 1st 2021, Oricos was a world where many alliances were taking a break. Venom, Meme and BTS were on hiatus after 132 and Shadow Tails + OV were still busy with their endless slog for closure on 130.
As a result, the alliances that usually found themselves competing for top 3 rather than a win, like the usual BZC lot, OPY/Aethilla premades, JFL, etc managed to cut out large swathes of the world for themselves by the end of the first month or two. BZC dominated north 45 and ranked 1st, JFL was spread across the border between 44 and 54, whilst GA were eating up 55.
There was also an alliance named Seal Elite in the south of 45 beginning to make progress.
Things went pretty much as expected. BZC grew fast, but found themselves largely surrounded by JFL, GA and Seal Elite. GA were incapable of doing much against them however, so the main pressures on BZC came from the north in the form of JFL.
As spam ramped up, world chats got louder, and more attention was drawn to the world, as it was also the last “old style” wonders, with a flat 50 favour (rather than getting 12-16) for winning.
It was also one of the first high speed Ares worlds, and a group of players dropped in ocean 0 to build ladon nukes, which, pre nerf, would have been able to reach the core oceans in only a couple of hours. The intent being to act as mercenaries and break sieges as they pleased.
Having already defeated one large alliance in 44, JFL was making good progress against BZC and the MRA revenant, although the usual internal problems were beginning to flare up as it’s leadership began to aggravate its players. Eventually, about 2 months into the server, the players finally snapped and began to report JFL’s leader from within their own alliance, something which (despite mods no doubt saying all reports are treated equally) definitely holds extra weight.
Landed with an attackable ban for 24 hours, their leader, rather than confessing to being banned, attempted to pretend that his mother had died (Only later confessing the truth once the ban had subsided). At this point a coup was staged, with members who had played together under meme machine in 132 taking control of JFL and starting the process of internalising the banned leader.
Purple - JFL, Orange - BZC, Black - GA, White - Revenant, Green - Misc
Seeing an opportunity to stick the final nail in the coffin, the meme machine alliance dropped all across ocean 44 and 54, absorbing their players who had been in JFL, and then also taking in a few new ones that had made friends with the meme players there.
44 and 54 were now a wide open mess of JFL remnants including players like inco and Vulpes, whilst also containing Meme (where Dantes/Pennaone had picked up and moved across some players from Revenant) and a bunch of now splintered alliances.
To the south, BZC, Seal Elite and GA all had very established cores and were beginning to prepare for wonders even at this very early stage, with mass rock founding and large swathes of recruitment, filling second wings as they consolidated the southern oceans.
Over the next month, 44 and 54 were very quickly mopped up by Meme Machine, although BZC and GA began to expand over the borders into the south of those oceans. War was brewing.
August - Meme in green, their enemies in Red.
Meme hadn’t ever had an agreement with BZC, merely dedicating their focus to seizing the northern oceans instead, but when BZC took in the JFL remnants, full out war erupted.
It was over rather quickly. Meme eradicated the JFL remnants and cleaned southern 44 of any non-LTS’d BZC presence, with the frontlines beginning to push into northern 45. This, combined with seal elite making inroads against BZC in the south, and the occasional GA siege in the east, saw the rank 1 alliance begin to buckle.
Eventually, with the warscore spiralling away and more and more territory being ceded to meme, BZC collapsed and the world shifted in tone.
Half of BZC joined Meme, while the other half joined Seal Elite (who then promptly pacted and merged with GA to create the 3-4 wing alliance that would become known as TBC/GA)
This meant that the world had 3 different zones.
You had 44 and 54, which were mostly un consolidated islands with patches of rim alliances and empty rocks, held by Meme and looking a lot more like a map of a domination server.
55 was completely held and rocks filled by TBC/GA, and southern 45 was the same. As wonders prep continued in full flow.
The top half of 45 was a mess of half Meme aligned-BZC and half TBC/GA aligned-BZC.
As former alliance members turned on each other, the islands began to get very bloody, and cities were bled on both sides as Meme began to rotate their frontliners into the south, replacing BZC members, and then also spotting which former BZC members could hold their own and remain there.
Over the next few months, (leading up to November) the war progressed fairly steadily. Meme cleaned up more and more of 44 and 54, along with rolling up most of the front line along 45, whilst TBC/GA focussed on wonders prep, filling the two southern ocean’s rocks and picking off the former BZC players deep into 45 where they couldn’t be helped.
November, Meme vs Mega Coalition
As November started, the countdown for wonders began to creep closer and closer, with the score being somewhat attainable with the right cuts and drops. It was at this point that meme suddenly realised that it was a wonders world and that with a 100 player and 1500 city deficit, they’d probably lose, and that they didn’t even have any favour farming or island holders lined up.
In a mad scrabble they managed to get together some rudimentary wonder holders and favour gen, and filled in the first couple of rock islands around these selections.
TBC/GA seemed unwilling to begin wonders themselves however, and so neither side attempted to start the race, with it instead being delayed and the counter reset.
Meme then bolstered their roster with a couple of BTS players, excellent timers who could force land anyone, with any level of LTS and aid. With these now on the front line, they began to push further south into 45 and also began to roll TBC/GA back in ocean 55, securing the centre of the map for meme.
In January, meme’s wonders prep finally kicked off. Half the team began to fill rocks, prepare favour generation and max out res camps + marketplaces, whilst the other half continued to make GA/TBC players quit and whittle down their numerical advantage with the relentless and no doubt demoralising force landing.
Morale remained high in the TBC/GA camp though, as they knew they had a better wonders set up, having had 5 extra months of prep, and had TJ, allegedly an excellent wonders organiser in their leadership, along with Challenger, who claimed to have a “secret plan” that would help them win. This kept their chins up, and come February, wonders began.
In the end, numerical advantage in both cities and players can’t make up for activity and skill. Meme romped into the lead, filling faster and boosting more than their opposition. Leading on 5 or 6 wonders at each level, they were confident that, despite having played three quarters of the world as if it were domination, would pull off the win.
Then disaster struck. Penn/Dantes was landed on in one of the wonders they were leading, lighthouse. Whilst this wouldn’t normally be a problem, as meme rarely got landed on, and so had hundreds of optimised flyer nukes, the spaghetti head had built a level 5 wall… and the wonder was lost.
With the new TBC in Meme’s wonder core now LTS’d to high heaven, Penn worked to redeem himself by handing off his remaining wonders, and then producing such insane quantities of favour generation and online activity that he could almost solo boost a wonder at levels 7-9.
Meme, deciding that now they just wanted to get the win with 4, and avoid a gruelling slog over 2 years like ST and OV had subjected themselves to on 130, focussed down 4 wonders and finished them, winning the server.
Here are the stats from as we hit 4/7.
Part 2 Below
Opening on June 1st 2021, Oricos was a world where many alliances were taking a break. Venom, Meme and BTS were on hiatus after 132 and Shadow Tails + OV were still busy with their endless slog for closure on 130.
As a result, the alliances that usually found themselves competing for top 3 rather than a win, like the usual BZC lot, OPY/Aethilla premades, JFL, etc managed to cut out large swathes of the world for themselves by the end of the first month or two. BZC dominated north 45 and ranked 1st, JFL was spread across the border between 44 and 54, whilst GA were eating up 55.
There was also an alliance named Seal Elite in the south of 45 beginning to make progress.
Things went pretty much as expected. BZC grew fast, but found themselves largely surrounded by JFL, GA and Seal Elite. GA were incapable of doing much against them however, so the main pressures on BZC came from the north in the form of JFL.
As spam ramped up, world chats got louder, and more attention was drawn to the world, as it was also the last “old style” wonders, with a flat 50 favour (rather than getting 12-16) for winning.
It was also one of the first high speed Ares worlds, and a group of players dropped in ocean 0 to build ladon nukes, which, pre nerf, would have been able to reach the core oceans in only a couple of hours. The intent being to act as mercenaries and break sieges as they pleased.
Having already defeated one large alliance in 44, JFL was making good progress against BZC and the MRA revenant, although the usual internal problems were beginning to flare up as it’s leadership began to aggravate its players. Eventually, about 2 months into the server, the players finally snapped and began to report JFL’s leader from within their own alliance, something which (despite mods no doubt saying all reports are treated equally) definitely holds extra weight.
Landed with an attackable ban for 24 hours, their leader, rather than confessing to being banned, attempted to pretend that his mother had died (Only later confessing the truth once the ban had subsided). At this point a coup was staged, with members who had played together under meme machine in 132 taking control of JFL and starting the process of internalising the banned leader.
Purple - JFL, Orange - BZC, Black - GA, White - Revenant, Green - Misc
Seeing an opportunity to stick the final nail in the coffin, the meme machine alliance dropped all across ocean 44 and 54, absorbing their players who had been in JFL, and then also taking in a few new ones that had made friends with the meme players there.
44 and 54 were now a wide open mess of JFL remnants including players like inco and Vulpes, whilst also containing Meme (where Dantes/Pennaone had picked up and moved across some players from Revenant) and a bunch of now splintered alliances.
To the south, BZC, Seal Elite and GA all had very established cores and were beginning to prepare for wonders even at this very early stage, with mass rock founding and large swathes of recruitment, filling second wings as they consolidated the southern oceans.
Over the next month, 44 and 54 were very quickly mopped up by Meme Machine, although BZC and GA began to expand over the borders into the south of those oceans. War was brewing.
August - Meme in green, their enemies in Red.
Meme hadn’t ever had an agreement with BZC, merely dedicating their focus to seizing the northern oceans instead, but when BZC took in the JFL remnants, full out war erupted.
It was over rather quickly. Meme eradicated the JFL remnants and cleaned southern 44 of any non-LTS’d BZC presence, with the frontlines beginning to push into northern 45. This, combined with seal elite making inroads against BZC in the south, and the occasional GA siege in the east, saw the rank 1 alliance begin to buckle.
Eventually, with the warscore spiralling away and more and more territory being ceded to meme, BZC collapsed and the world shifted in tone.
Half of BZC joined Meme, while the other half joined Seal Elite (who then promptly pacted and merged with GA to create the 3-4 wing alliance that would become known as TBC/GA)
This meant that the world had 3 different zones.
You had 44 and 54, which were mostly un consolidated islands with patches of rim alliances and empty rocks, held by Meme and looking a lot more like a map of a domination server.
55 was completely held and rocks filled by TBC/GA, and southern 45 was the same. As wonders prep continued in full flow.
The top half of 45 was a mess of half Meme aligned-BZC and half TBC/GA aligned-BZC.
As former alliance members turned on each other, the islands began to get very bloody, and cities were bled on both sides as Meme began to rotate their frontliners into the south, replacing BZC members, and then also spotting which former BZC members could hold their own and remain there.
Over the next few months, (leading up to November) the war progressed fairly steadily. Meme cleaned up more and more of 44 and 54, along with rolling up most of the front line along 45, whilst TBC/GA focussed on wonders prep, filling the two southern ocean’s rocks and picking off the former BZC players deep into 45 where they couldn’t be helped.
November, Meme vs Mega Coalition
As November started, the countdown for wonders began to creep closer and closer, with the score being somewhat attainable with the right cuts and drops. It was at this point that meme suddenly realised that it was a wonders world and that with a 100 player and 1500 city deficit, they’d probably lose, and that they didn’t even have any favour farming or island holders lined up.
In a mad scrabble they managed to get together some rudimentary wonder holders and favour gen, and filled in the first couple of rock islands around these selections.
TBC/GA seemed unwilling to begin wonders themselves however, and so neither side attempted to start the race, with it instead being delayed and the counter reset.
Meme then bolstered their roster with a couple of BTS players, excellent timers who could force land anyone, with any level of LTS and aid. With these now on the front line, they began to push further south into 45 and also began to roll TBC/GA back in ocean 55, securing the centre of the map for meme.
In January, meme’s wonders prep finally kicked off. Half the team began to fill rocks, prepare favour generation and max out res camps + marketplaces, whilst the other half continued to make GA/TBC players quit and whittle down their numerical advantage with the relentless and no doubt demoralising force landing.
Morale remained high in the TBC/GA camp though, as they knew they had a better wonders set up, having had 5 extra months of prep, and had TJ, allegedly an excellent wonders organiser in their leadership, along with Challenger, who claimed to have a “secret plan” that would help them win. This kept their chins up, and come February, wonders began.
In the end, numerical advantage in both cities and players can’t make up for activity and skill. Meme romped into the lead, filling faster and boosting more than their opposition. Leading on 5 or 6 wonders at each level, they were confident that, despite having played three quarters of the world as if it were domination, would pull off the win.
Then disaster struck. Penn/Dantes was landed on in one of the wonders they were leading, lighthouse. Whilst this wouldn’t normally be a problem, as meme rarely got landed on, and so had hundreds of optimised flyer nukes, the spaghetti head had built a level 5 wall… and the wonder was lost.
With the new TBC in Meme’s wonder core now LTS’d to high heaven, Penn worked to redeem himself by handing off his remaining wonders, and then producing such insane quantities of favour generation and online activity that he could almost solo boost a wonder at levels 7-9.
Meme, deciding that now they just wanted to get the win with 4, and avoid a gruelling slog over 2 years like ST and OV had subjected themselves to on 130, focussed down 4 wonders and finished them, winning the server.
Here are the stats from as we hit 4/7.
Part 2 Below
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