The Unit VS Dogs Of War..???


Murty, the world is still growing, despite 2.0. I for one prefer 1.26 over 2.0. Though when Rho opened, there were a LOT of players jumping over there and leaving Omicron.

There are still some alliances popping up on the rim, though by the time they ever reach the point of being able to do something, they'll be so out-gunned by the core alliances, there won't be much they can do.

It will be interesting to see how this world turns out.


you ought to change the title to "the decent alliance VS the MRA that will soon fall"

and on page 1

double posts, much?


why the heck am i even posting on omicron..



Are you in either alliance?

Funny how people can pass their judgement of alliances so easily, when they've never been in either alliance, nor know anything about them other than what they can find in Grepostats. :(

Sorry to say people, Grepostats don't tell all.

So, i'll answer your question of "why the heck am i even posting on omicron.." with "Why the heck are you posting on omicron?"




Oh! Crap, you are not their into Omicron anymore, its a shame. You could have been there to actually lead Dogs into a respectable position. When u quit????

I quit 3-4 weeks ago to found and focus on The Dogs in RHO.


thats BAD news for the Dogs at Omicron I guess.

@HIHIPeople, Man, how u can manage to play soooo many worlds...OMG!!! and also Forums??? I saw this guy on Epsilon forum too..



In the northern areas (oceans 65 and 55) sadly it is a little one side with DOWE losing city after city and gain little momentum in their attacks. The quick response from TU members to all revolt's is making it hard for them to make any kind of impact. With daily reports from all ranks of their alliance telling of plans to disband and merge with other alliances. I'm afraid its a case of when they fall rather than if they fall.

The south is a far more interesting battle, with DOWH shown good organisation and coordination. They are making life hard for TS and now with the some what confusing announcement coming from Alpha that they will be joining the dogs, it will make for interesting viewing.

I say its confusing because as far as I can work out they will be supporting DOWH but not DOWE and they will be attacking TU but not TS. So even though TS are DOWH's main target and there is little or no TU targets close to Alpha they are going to do something to somebody or do nothing to anybody (or something like that). Seems to me Alpha can't work out which side they are on but I'm sure their fine leadership at least has some kind of idea what they are doing.

In the beginning Alpha were on our side and shared our op forum, until I made contact with them about coordinating attacks on DOWH. They responded by saying "they were not sure at which point they were going to enter the war at yet". As I'm sure anybody who has played in other worlds would agree sharing your op forum with an alliance who does not take part in ops is a risk you don't need to take. So we removed them from the forum and ended our pact with them (because diplomacy in name alone is worthless).

Despite my best efforts to explain to their founder and diplomat that it was nothing personal it was just a security and peace of mind issue, they seem to have taken it personally and done a deal with the enemy. The term cutting off your nose to spite your face pops to mind. Their main strategy at the moment seems to be to flood my council with messages hinting how it was I who forced their hand and made them change sides. This I'm guessing is an attempt to split our alliance or turn my council against me. If only my council was made up of 12 year old girls it might have the desired affect.

Sadly for them the TU council is made up of loyal, experienced, independently minded players who agree with my opinion on not sharing our forums with alliances who do not help us. Lets just hope when the smoke clears Alpha's council will still feel they have done "what is best for Alpha" :D


Thanks for the interesting update, Murtius. So, is the battleground in the north fully limited to oceans 65 and 55 - no one from the outside taking part in the action or likely to take part in the future? What oceans would the battleground in the south consist of?

It sounds impressive that The Unit has yet to be caught off guard with any revolt attacks. I suppose, if your opponents are that active, you'd have to get lucky to catch one of them offline. If I understand it correctly, a successful revolt attack will likely take around 8-9 hours from start until finish. That means that even if you learn of your opponent's online times, you would have to time the start of your attack really well to have it succeed before your opponent gets back from work/school. And at the same time, you would have to make it at a time where you would be able to be online at least a few times in the process, in case of counter-attacks.

From my understanding, you can do joint defence, but not joint attacks, so even though you amass forces greater than your opponents, they will always have the chance to defend together if they are close by, and thus can overwhelming any single player who is attacking in numbers (I suppose that if defenders are five time as strong as any given attacker, they could even fend off a wave of attacks effectively, even if the joint armies of the attackers would be stronger). So, I wonder whether the most effective attack tactic is to clear out the armies that might aid the defence of a city in advance (just using normal attacks). Once you manage to deplete your opponents of army, any joint resistance would be useless. However, I suppose this would also mean that you would have to sacrifice a city slot by conquering some city nearby your opponents. But I assume that if you counter a city and then have a lowly member of your alliance conquer it from you afterwards, you will have the same culture level, so you're still free to take another city instead? Still, if you make frequent attacks to take out the armies of your opponents, you would be subject to return attacks. If they have strong players nearby who can match your army, they would be able to calculate the exact second when your army gets back based on when your attack will hit the city of your attacker, meaning you can get caught yourself if support isn't nearby.


The battle ground is spread over 4 main oceans mate,
O65 TU
O66 TS

As of yet no alliance other than alpha have shown any interest in our war but that is probably because the other 3-4 half decent alliance are locked in a war between themselves. As for the revolt, it has to run a full 12 hours before you can land you CS. So when you add in the travel time your talking a good 13 or 14 hours. With our core been so strong and close together it makes it hard to land a CS. We have lost a few isolated cities but none from actually inside the core as of yet.

You have misunderstood about the joint attacks though I think, you can help your allies land their CS. The only thing you can't do is start a revolt for somebody else.


If you want to beat TU you have to go at their weakest player...

Which is Murtius


What can I say kyle I just like building pretty cities and don't like fighting. I find troops and ships to be a waste of good building resources.


Obviously now we can see where Alpha participation got both DoWH and Alpha.

It also gave TU more targets. Thank you Alpha!