The Unit


The unit is filled with a bunch of players tht just bullies. When someone does something they dont like they declare war on them. This was the case with dogs of war and now alpha. Alpha is the better alliance by far. They are going to win this war and it will be a blow out. TU might have taken a few cities but it is nothing compared to wat alpha can do. The unit is scared of alpha


The unit is filled with a bunch of players tht just bullies. When someone does something they dont like they declare war on them. This was the case with dogs of war and now alpha. Alpha is the better alliance by far. They are going to win this war and it will be a blow out. TU might have taken a few cities but it is nothing compared to wat alpha can do. The unit is scared of alpha



Haha yes of course we do Rush, we are famous for been cowards and been afraid to fight. I know your a little ticked off right now, but seriously do you think this is the right way to conduct yourself or to vent your anger? All this will achieve is to make me angry and force me to vent my anger. Though I can assure you my anger will do far more damage to you than this thread will damage TU's reputation.
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U know as well as I tht TU can't win this war. I'm not tryin to hurt there reputation I'm just telling the facts. even in our forums it shows ppl screaming out for help but nobody comes to aid them. Murty I like u. U seem pretty cool but facts are facts. The unit is having trouble with a hand full of players tht u can't seem to conquer. For example hamwise, spiller, boogiepicker, fregall deathpalidan and more


TU cities taken by alpha 14
Alpha cities taken by TU 32
TU cities taken by alpha academy 1
Alpha academy cities taken by TU 11

Yea just checked it out on stats and your right we do seem to be in trouble lets just hope the two alpha alliances together don't make the 20 city mark or we'll be almost finished :(


Haha ur so arrogant murty ull see wat I'm talking about soon


Arrogant? I think your confused my soon to be cityless friend, I am not arrogant I am factual. I didn't make these scores up, I got them from grepostats.


So, rush, did you leave TU and join Alpha?Alpha won't have much of a chance of winning, its Maelstrom and TU against them and their academy.
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lol, this is funny, I'm not criticizing them, just saying it isn't likely they can win, and the stats are in TU favor, we are just stating the truth.
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I was in rulers wen bli was the founder of it. It ran so well tht I thought if it came to it even TU would be matched by it. But then Christian got jealous and wanted to be founder again and everyone of the former ru066 voted for him. Christian u r a weak ruler because with bli we actually took cities under u nobody took one from alpha or dogs of war. After bli was voted out he stayed for a lil under a week and him and I saw this alliance was screwed from the beginning so we moved. All we saw from rulers was pleas for help I'm being attacked or help me take this inactive city from TU's player. The ones actually loyal to us called out for ops to take cities from our enemies never got answered by the former ruo66 ppl. Christian u have been a nice guy but ur a fool. U think alpha is going to support u against us? They can't even support themselves. U think by going to alpha uve made them a better alliance? Uve only made them worse. Uve taken a dead weight off our shoulders and put it on alphas. Its not like they didn't have a big enough weight already. Best of luck though.

Rush that was your post yesterday regarding the unit and alpha. I am bit confused.


I think he got attacked and got no support, so therefore he hates us.

But if you are criticizing TU, do you think you aren't a bully? Because you should be a bully if you criticize other alliances.
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The correct definition of a bully is:

1. a blustering, quarrelsome, overbearing person who habitually badgers and intimidates smaller or weaker people.

So both TU and ALpha have fought much smaller alliances, making us both Bullies


I see, that makes sense, however, I don't bully, I'm just saying what seems likely, not saying what is going to happen. So therefor, I don't know how Rush sees me as a bully.


So both TU and ALpha have fought much smaller alliances, making us both Bullies

TU war history is........

BS (4 alliances) + RS
Rulers of ocean 66
DOW (3 alliances) + Alpha

Not exactly what I would call bullying, the only weak alliance in their was your own so I can't see how you would class us as bullies.


when we are attacking Alpha cities and revolt them they are going chicken mode like Hamwise and christianisbeast :)