The Unit


My hate filled friend all countries have been guilty of murder, rape and killing of innocent women and kids. Is it Gaddafi who is wrong or are we as a race just built to kill and destroy each other? You say I should not be fond of been compared to this man when it was you who compared me to him. Did you ever stop to think perhaps I was just feeding you back the same crap that you tried feed me? I guess you just don't like the taste of your own cooking? ;)


At first, this suggest that you haven't read the full post.
I clearly say why I made the comparison..

Secondly, I compared you with gaddafi, but never told you to be fond of it, it was your own choice.

Thirdly, I asked you if you were sarcastic and you answered negative.
So it did came up in my mind but it turned out to be the other way, and now you are quickly crawling back saying you were giving me my own cookie.

I have an advice for you, stop playing the morale fag.
Take your defeat as a man and withdraw from this discussion.


Defeat? Discussion? You insulted me and I gave it back to you, it is not what I would class as a discussion. Perhaps in school tomorrow you can ask your teacher what the word discussion means and then you will have learned a new word as well as learning that I don't care what you think or what your opinion of me or anybody else is.


If you don't care about my opinion, why did you responded at all?
As I said the reason for calling you gaddafi is you comparing spiller with a communist dictator, you got this started.

Now I understand you aren't use to admit your defeat but you proved yourself ridiculous when it comes to use words instead if LS and slings..

Maybe when you are grown up a little further you will read this back and think "showing off with the IRA, thats idiot!".


Oh my god, OK if it will send you to bed happy I'll admit it you defeated me I am soooo embarrassed I don't think I'll ever be able to show my face on this forum again. You are so smart, you have really shown me up to be a jumped up little fool who can take what I am able to give. If only I was half the person you are I would be a proud man.


@bofkees hahahaha, I've never seen you talk like this man.
You know that if it would be in game, 1 on 1 Murty would destroy you don't you?
Don't make enemies now, this was about Spiller my friend, not about you.
Don't get all cooked up about nothing.

@Murtius, your sarcasm is too funny hahaha.


I thought those stats were just propaganda, and that only the number of conquered cities counts, Hypocrite...

We have now torn down Maelstrom and you are recruiting their best players, oh wait wasn't that dirty playing? Hypocrite...

Calling our leaders Dictators, but then install a puppet leader in a small alliance and call it your sister alliance? Hypocrite...

If spiller is similar to Kim jong-il, Murtius is similar to Gadaffi.
With his son Bli Zankity who rules his Bodyguard....

Bofkees, you should really get your facts straight before you speak. #1, stats are not propoganda.

Second off, as I quoted that I even said it didn't matter. I didn't call Tu number one. I merely pointed out that Tu passed Alpha because you care not me. I like to make you feel weak.
So no I'm not being hypocritical because unlike you I didn't suggest it made us superior. I just pointed it out.

#3, "Torn down" Is an overstatement. Besides we didn't do it by force, or to an enemy alliance. We did it to help them because they are loyal friends, Unlike backstabbing Alpha, (ever wonder why your leadership doesn't post here? Because they plain out kow they are wrong)

#4, Once again, you know nothing of the situation. Why are you even speaking of it? I'm not a founder, nor do I have founder's rights in TA. So to say I'm puppet leader, (Whatever that is supposed to mean) is false. I am here to make us closer and to create ties between the two alliances. It even says so on my profile. Glad to see you can do your research. So wouldn't Tu demand I have founders right if they really wanted to dictate Ta's actions?

#5, I'm not Murtius son. Haha! Also, How am I ruling his bodyguards when the alliance is neither all Girls, or near Murty, or even able to protect anyone sides themselves??

See your just plain out wrong on everything. Like Alpha has been, on every post, every word, every action, and every thought from the beginning.

Did you ever stop to think perhaps I was just feeding you back the same crap that you tried feed me? I guess you just don't like the taste of your own cooking? ;)

Yup, it's quite common to agree to something that another person just assumes about you. Look at my profile, it says I'm twelve when I clearly am not. You know why it says that? Because Alpha is so weak they had to come up with something to hurt me. Since your troops aren't doing it.

I simply agreed to it because when you call someone a name, and they agree, then clearly the intent of your childish game is defeated. When murty made the comparison about spiller it was clearly a joke.

You got all anal and made a comparison that was neither funny, or true.
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You know that if it would be in game, 1 on 1 Murty would destroy you don't you?

My god W*Arms. I thought you could read. THESE ARE THE GODDAMNED EXTERNAL FORUMS!!! This is a place for chat, and PnP. That statement is totally irrevelvant.

It isn't in-game, and FWIW, murtius has double the cities, and nearly triple the points of Bof. Of course Murtius would win, but it isn't 1 on 1 is it? We are in a war, alliance v alliance. Not player v player. Understand that?
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Haha MOG, don't be like that only because I joined TU?
You can too, just send an application form to Murtius with your previous jobs and he'll check it out!


I'll repeat what I said in our message. Infact, I'll post the conversation here.

MasterOfGrepolis today at 1:10 PM
I'm not trying to complain, or tell you that you are a turd, I just want to know why you did it. What did TU offer that Alpha didn't, so much so that you would betray us?

W*Arms today at 1:29 PM
You're a turd yourself.
TU offers a war were I'm on the winning side.
MOG, you're not dumb.
You can see for yourself that Alpha is losing?
It's not that difficult to notice.
I joined TU and when I entered their forum, I was overhwlmed by their proffesionallity and cooperation.
Alpha misses that.
It aint too late for any of you guys, just tell me whenever you see that I'm right.

MasterOfGrepolis today at 1:50 PM
Even if Alpha was losing, I would still stay. I have loyalty to my alliance. I don't just switch to the winning side. I fight it out until the end. Just because we are losing doesn't mean I will be like, "oh we are losing, and I am too stupid to fight, so I will just go and joing the winning side". It would appear you don't have that loyalty in your heart. You're just dead weight.

Notice the fact that in his message, he actually says TU offers a war were I'm on the winning side.

You can't take being on the losign side. You can't fight it out. You just run over to the alliance that seems to have the upper hand. Like I said above, you have no loyalty to your alliance. I know this will fall on deaf ears, but I wouldn't reccomend having W*A in your alliance. He will just jump ship if you start losing a war.


dont worry if something like this will hapen i will take care of this problem my self in the TU way (SW)(SW)(SW)


No actually Alpha losing the war wasn't my biggest reason to jump ship.
I got sick of our leadership lieing to us and telling everythings oke.
TU was right, we were playing sim city and it's time I got out of that unproffesional alliance were no-one has the courage to fight on their own.
Look at you guys, you guys attacked my cities and couldn't clear them with 4 players, and I cleared one of zoddgods cities on my own.
I could send a CS down there and it would be mine without furthermore complications.
MOG you don't see it, but Spiller is no good for the alliance.
My mind still goes with what will happen to Alpha, but I am now and I will stay loyal to the most proffesional fighting alliance of Omicron.

My loyalty lies with The Unit, my city flags have their sign.
I'm now a proud member of The Unit.


How was the Alpha leadership lying? And how were they unprofessional?

By the way, writing lies immediately after you condemn Alpha leaders for lying doesn't help your cause. Zoddgod is a strong player, and you would need to send more than a CS to take one of his cities. Plus, I believe you have several cities in revolt right now, so perhaps you want to focus on not getting sent to the rim rather than making more false accusations.


I got only two cities in revolt, while I'm attacking one of the revolters and the harbors of his both good cities are being kept clean so he doesn't have a chance of building a CS.
And the other one is Zoddgod.
Now I have been the leader of Zoddgod while we were in Death*United, an alliance that fought Alpha but lost within a couple of days.
When we lost, Zoddgod took most of my top players and betrayed me.
Now I had no choice but to join Alpha. So I did.
A day after I did, Zoddgod and his little puny servants did as well.
I actually still want revenge for that day.

Alpha's leaders have been lying because they are telling everybody that the war is going good, but right after I post some statistics, tizidaddyman or Zoddgod delete it and pm me that I'm right about what I say but that it would be very demoralizing and that they deleted it so they can keep hopes up? Well actually tizidaddyman does that. Zoddgod as the cocky prick that he is just deletes it.


spiler,tizy,hamwise all of this liders lose 2 or 3 cittys to me
why they didnt fight back for the cittys
why the run in another ocean if the alpha is so good and the war is in the favour off alpha


That's for me to know. I'll just say that I know a lot more than you do about Alpha's history.


Who cares about Alpha's history?
We're talking about now.
The council knows it, and they're hiding it because they don't want to lose for their personal glory.

I got tons of BP already after leaving Alpha, THANK YOU ZODDGOD!


Valheru, I can't pretend to know what the leaders of Alpha were thinking while you were taking their cities. All I know that you are very respected throughout Omicron, and if I were personally to be attacked by you, I would take it very seriously.

W*Arms, you have based a lot of your comments on decisions and acts that Alpha and it's members have done in the past, so you shouldn't dismiss their history so easily. Leaders of all alliances will always try to keep morale high among their members. That includes removing posts that might show negative results regarding current events. It is not an indication that the war is turning bad for them or that they are hiding anything. Hypothetically, if someone in The Unit posted that Alpha was ahead in the takeovers (be it true or not), I am sure that your leaders would remove it right away.

I am not here to dispute the statistics, all I know is that if any leaders were only interested in their own personal glory, they would have been defeated long ago. And I'm sure that your leadership can agree with that. No alliance can survive if its leaders are only in it for themselves.


So you're saying they must lie to their members and let their alliance fight an already lost war?
Because they are doing that, and we all know it.