Pnp Their Vision is Now Dying


It had been three years since Inno released a 3/3 conq world. When one was finally announced for the En worlds, the entire community raved over it. Premades were assembled and battle plans were laid. Everything seemed perfect! That it until a Noob and his friends had a vision. Began chest beating in the forums and challenging Gothamsoldier and Zero Fox Given. Just like that the terror of lato was born. An alliance with *Head Hunter*, whatever IGN Jeremy is hiding under, AND Noobmeup? This world was over before it began how could anyone stand against It Burns When We Grep? Glorious claims were made about how these studs would be crushing ZFG and conquering the world. Just look at this roster of ferocious players.


But somewhere along the lines, our dear friends miscalculated. They seemed to think ZFG actually cared about them trying to fight them or would even be afraid. The plan was going horribly wrong as rather than cower, ZFG offered them a link to one of their oceans. But luckily these fearless leaders had a back up plan in case their bluff got called...wait a full day and drop in the only ocean ZFG didn't drop in. Of course this didn't stop their leadership from chest beating publicly.

But things were off to a rough start, lagging behind in size and average and then suddenly...


Their top player was banned for multi accounting or botting or whatever the charges were this time. But to make this no good very bad day even worse, BLACK ZONE CRUSADE dropped in behind them. Now down their top botter and flanked by a solid alliance, these studs knew what they had to do...Quickly take a few towns and brag on the world chat about how BZC was dead and how it was all over for them. Anyone who challenged this view was called all forms of derogatory slurs and then whined at if they were returned. But it wasn't surprising after all, Jeremy, the EOver9000, "Marine" was basically just an adult toddler on his little temper tantrum.


And his team mates were well aware of this and before the world had even started began complaining to many in ZFG about it. Before long we figured out he wasn't using his account, instead White Khalifa/Aric was playing it. But while Jeremy and Noob were bragging BZC was building and ZFG was taking their towns effortlessly. Pretty soon the charade was falling apart.


The morals of the story are clear here. First off, there's those who talk like Jer Bear, Noobmeup, and most of It Burns When We Suck. And there's those who do like ZFG and BZC. The second moral, is just simply not to talk smack when you're your team isn't that good, especially when you end up running away right from the get go. But hey Burns look at the bright side, you could say that "you waited for us and avoided us because you fear us". ;)

Sucks don't it? The moment you realize you don't know squat. Now do Lato a favor and accept the fact you're simply Tier 2.
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Think we can all agree this has been long over due.

Well most of us, a moment of silence to the people in IBWWG who hate their bum leadership but can't publicly cheer their epic fails on. Don't worry my friends, we all know you'll be in competently run alliances soon. :)


Think we can all agree this has been long over due.

Well most of us, a moment of silence to the people in IBWWG who hate their bum leadership but can't publicly cheer their epic fails on. Don't worry my friends, we all know you'll be in competently run alliances soon. :)

I guess we'll see them in ZFG
. "Competently run alliance" I don't know if ZFG manage to fight on four frontlines.


Nice PnP, a pretty rare sight for the forums these days!
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i only managed to read 3 lines of this before getting bored but nice pnp!