To the dev's re the new layout from an ex gold buyer....

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I like a lot of people posting in the other thread about the "new" layout do not like parts of it.

Ok I dont mind the giant gold icon in the middle, what I dont like is the size and placement of the bar. My
game screen now is small as I like others have a widescreen monitor, the game is harder to play now due to this.

I buy gold a lot and this pays YOUR wages..

If you make the game very hard to play then I will STOP paying you.

So I will NOT be buying gold any more, I will play as a free player and NOT support your "so called" work. Why should I pay you to ruin my game as I can not see a lot of the screen. Along with the bugs that this update brought with it.

You wont revert back to the old screen I know that.. BUT you could make the bar smaller a LOT smaller. or even hide it away....

So you have now lost one person that "WAS" a gold player this game, from now on I am a free player.


How much money did you spent and in how much time?or more precisely how much loss can your converting cause to inno per month?


There is already a thread open for feed back about the new layout. Please use that thread. This thread is now closed.
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